
Your Lucky Number For 2020 Depends On The Day You Were Born
A lot of people have special numbers that hold significance to them and may have even brought good fortune from time to time. Maybe it’s a special date, like your wedding or your child’s birthday. So if you have your sights set on the New Year, you might want to know: What is the lucky number of 2020? That way, you can start this New Year — and decade, really — on the right foot.
When it comes to special days in the New Year, there isn’t just one day in particular that is going to be auspicious for absolutely everybody. Numerology is inherently personal, and as such, your lucky number is going to boil down to your birth date. “The luckiest numbers/most supportive days for people are the days that have the same digit sum as the day they were born,” Novalee Wilder, a numerologist, tells Romper. “When a day shares the same base vibration as the day we were born, we feel the push of that energy and can use it to our advantage.”
So by taking the base number of your birth day (and not the month of year), you can calculate what days will be lucky for you in 2020 and make the most of them for the best year yet.
1Base Number 1
If you were born on the 1st, 10th, 19th or 28th of any month in any year, use 1 days for important tasks. Says Wilder: “This is the time to start new things and step into more visibility and assume the leadership role.”
2Base Number 2
If you were born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th or 29th of any month in any year, use 2 days for sharing from your heart, setting boundaries, and planning fun and adventure.
3Base Number 3
If you were born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st or 30th of any month in any year, use 3 days for getting ahead, finishing things, and getting clear on what success feel like to you.
4Base Number 4
If you were born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd or 31st of any month in any year, use 4 days to build a foundation for your rebellious ideas, and seek out people who celebrate your vision.
5Base Number 5
If you were born on the 5th, 14th, or 23rd of any month in any year, use 5 days to connect and deepen your relationships, network, and gather leads on new projects or ideas.
6Base Number 6
If you were born on the 6th, 15th, or 24th of any month in any year, use 6 days for self-care in any form that feels good. “Fill your own cup and plan out your days to make them more pleasurable,” says Wilder.
7Base Number 7
If you were born on the 7th, 16th or 25th of any month in any year, use 7 days for materializing your crazy ideas. “These days are great for inviting people into your world, and creating synergy,” says Wilder.
8Base Number 8
If you were born on the 8th, 17th, or 26th of any month in any year, use 8 days to work on the connection between your physical reality and your spiritual core. "Use these dates to create mindful moments, and connect with others who want to go deep, just like you," says Wilder.
9Base Number 9
If you were born on the 9th, 18th, or 27th of any month in any year, use 9 days to clear out your to-do list and be authentic in your needs and wants. “People will pay attention when you speak to them as well as the example you set for them,” says Wilder.
Even if you don’t necessarily believe in lucky numbers, there’s nothing wrong with harnessing the power of your birth date each month to promote positivity in your life. The best part: you technically get not one, but 12 days in 2020 in which to be lucky in all areas of your life.
This article was originally published on