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Will Corey Lewandowski Get A Job In Trump's Administration? He Was An Early Trump Favorite

President-elect Trump is nothing if not a loyal friend, right? That's the impression I've always gotten anyhow: If you are loyal to Trump, you're going to be rewarded at some point. Take a look at his Cabinet appointments as his transition team moves closer to the White House. It's chock full of loyal Trump followers. Although, there's one loyal Trump follower who might not be able to count himself so lucky. Politico recently reported that it doesn't look as though Trump's former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski will get a job in the Trump administration, despite his reputation of being doggedly in Trump's corner since the outset of the 2016 presidential campaign. Sources told Politico that Lewandowski is not expected to be among the first wave of integral posts to be appointed by Trump's inauguration in January.

While Trump might technically be out, spending the holidays at his Mar-A-Lago retreat in Florida, he continues to make decisions about his future Cabinet in preparation for his official start date in the Oval Office in 2017. And he's not making those decisions alone; Trump also reportedly sent son-in-law (and important member of the Trump transition team) Jared Kushner to meet with Lewandowski on Monday in New York to discuss possible posts for him in the Trump administration.


According to a Republican insider who has been advising the Trump team:

They want to find something for him, but it needs to be someplace where he can’t do too much damage. The overall sense was that Corey is just not the governing type.

Romper has reached out to the Trump transition team for confirmation on the report and is awaiting a response.

Lewandowski was fired from the Trump campaign in June amid allegations of infighting (particularly with Trump's popular daughter and confidante, Ivanka Trump, as well as her husband Kushner), aggression, and negativity. At the time, sources close to the Trump campaign reported to CNN that Ivanka Trump finally told her father she would quit when rumors started circling that Lewandowski was attempting to plant negative stories about Kushner in the press.


Trump has kept close ties with the difficult Lewandowski, one of the main "Trump originals" who defined the Trump campaign in the early days. These Trump originals (like New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, Lewandowski, Michael Glassner and longtime Trump friend Roger Stone) are reportedly becoming increasingly frustrated by what they perceive to be a lack of loyalty from the Trump campaign. Stone told Politico about a visit to Trump Tower since the election:

I saw people and heard about people whose names I haven’t heard in 25 to 30 years. These are people who did nothing whatsoever to elect Donald Trump and they’re people who don’t share Donald Trump’s values. They disagree with him on trade, they disagree with him on monetary policy, they disagree with him on immigration. Yet, they seek glory and titles.

Despite Lewandowski's lack of a position at the top of the heap in the new Trump administration, he still holds the president-elect in high regard. During an interview with Fox News' Sean Hannity recently, Lewandowski said,

Look, Donald Trump in the first four weeks of his presidency has done more to help this county than I think Barack Obama has done in the last four years.

And even though he did quit his cushy CNN job as a political commentator in November after Trump won the election, he's still especially happy about one thing — he gets to say "Merry Christmas" again, because Donald Trump is now the president. (No word on when saying "Merry Christmas" ever became illegal.)

Now that's loyalty.