
The Belcher Family stands in front of Bob's Burgers.

10 Genuine Parenting Lessons From Bob’s Burgers

The Belchers may be cartoons, but they’re the realest family on television.


Bob and Linda are parenting goals. They’re funny, loving, and have raised three hilarious, self-assured kids. Here are some of their greatest parenting lessons, even if they didn’t mean them as lessons at the time...


#1. Share your interests with your kids

Whether it’s samurai movies, laser show rock operas at the planetarium, or your favorite dress-up, sing-along movie, Vampire Disco Death Dance. Half the fun of being a parent is sharing the things you love with the ones you love.

#2. As Linda says, “When life gets tough you just gotta smile!”

And sing! These wise words from Linda’s impromptu “Call of the Wild” song remind us that singing everything, all the time, loudly & badly, makes parenting way more fun.


#3. Let your kids be weird

They may be offbeat, awkward, and, in Louise’s case, a master manipulator of questionable intent, but Bob & Linda love their children unconditionally and encourage their eccentricities, evolution as people & even their erotic friend fiction.

#4. Have fun and relax

Like Linda says, “Mommy doesn’t get drunk she just has fun.” And, really, aren’t those words to live by?


#5. Sometimes you have to let loose

It's easy to get caught up in the seriousness of family life, but every now and then you have to remember to have fun with it (perhaps by dancing in your underwear at Bog to Beach)

#6. Don’t be scared of “the talk”

Bob and Linda are refreshingly honest with their kids when it comes to talking about their bodies, puberty, and sex while still being age appropriate. There’s no “talk” in the Belcher house: it’s an ongoing conversation.


#7. Know when to let go

Over the years, the Bob and Linda (mostly Linda) have had to learn to give their kids space... but so have the Belcher kids as they realize their parents aren’t just their parents.

#8. Knowing when NOT to let go is important, too

Like when your daughter is tired and wants you to hold her up while she naps.


#9. Express yourself

Not only is it important to be yourself, but it's important to tell your family what you think & how you feel, even if that means telling them you'd fire them all if you could.

#10. Family first

Because, at the end of the day, not even your beloved, pun-filled restaurant can match how much you love these little weirdos.

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