Mila Kunis, Topher Grace, Laura Prepon, Ashton Kutcher, Danny Masterson
Michael Lavine/20th Century Fox/Kobal/Shutterstock

10 Parenting Lessons From That ‘70s Show

As the ‘90s approach for the Formans, we take a look at the important parenting lessons we learned from the original series...

That ‘70s Show may have been a coming-of-age series about Midwestern teens, but we think it’s just as much a show about the challenges (and joys) of parenting. Here are some valuable parenting lessons we learned from the series, especially from Kitty and Red Forman.

#1. Give Your Kids A Safe Space

The Formans’ basement was more than just a gathering place: it was a space where the teens of Point Place could grow up together that was safe but private. All teens need a space like this.

20th Century Fox/Kobal/Shutterstock

#2. Sometimes You Just Need To Leave Your Kids Alone

In 2023, constantly engaging your kids — providing them with an endless parade of enriching activities — is de rigeur... and maybe we could all take a lesson from the more hands-off approach of the ‘70s. That said...

#3 ...But Not Too Alone

Because #TeenShennanigans (including lots and lots of weed, which, while fine for adults, isn’t great for growing brains...)

#4. Encourage Them To Go Outside Their Comfort Zone

We don’t know much about Fez — not even where he's from or his real name — but we do know that his parents (whoever they are) agreed for him to become a foreign exchange student and where would the gang be without him?

#5. Your Sarcasm Will Only Make Your Child Stronger

We like to think Eric only turned out the better for all of Red’s barbs and overall grumpy attitude. (Besides: they both knew how they truly felt about each other...)

#6 ...But Also Maybe Don’t Call Them “Dumbass” All The Time

... like, it’s funny to watch on a sitcom but it’s not actually very nice.

#7. Sex Positivity Always

As a nurse, Kitty took a direct and open approach to talking to her kids about sex and we cannot help but stan, especially during this lecture when she emphasized how important foreplay is. (Awkward? Yes, but a valuable life lesson.)

20th Century Fox/Kobal/Shutterstock

#8. Don’t Take Your Partner For Granted

Donna’s parents, Bob and Midge, hit a rough spot in their marriage when Bob couldn’t accept Midge’s desire to grow beyond her role as wife and mother. The rift ultimately led to them splitting up for a time (though they ultimately reconciled since this is a sitcom).

#9. Lock Your Door When You... You Know

Trust us. Poor Eric was just never really the same after walking in on Red and Kitty.
Patrick Wymore/Netflix
#10. Being “The House” Is A Lifelong Responsibility

Because once you’ve established yourself as “the house where all your kids’ friends gather,” it’s going to be that way forever, as That ‘90s Show demonstrates. (Though for all Red’s grousing we doubt he’d change it.)

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