Winter Wear

How To Dress Your Baby For Cold Weather

Layer, layer, layer.

Rule of thumb:

Dress your baby in one more layer than what you're wearing.

Courtesy Anne Vorrasi

Start with a fitted layer. A fleece turtleneck onesie, leggings, and socks make a solid base. Courtesy Anne Vorrasi
Layer 2: a sweater, wool knit pants, and, if necessary, a layer of wool socks. Courtesy Anne Vorrasi
Courtesy Anne Vorrasi
A beanie, dickey, insulated mittens, and fleece booties will help keep Baby's limbs toasty. Courtesy Anne Vorrasi
Now it's time to get into the snowsuit. This option from Reima is suitable for temps as low as -5 °F. Courtesy Anne Vorrasi
If Baby is strictly staying in a stroller, you could skip the snowsuit and outfit them in a warm jacket and insulated pants. Tuck them into a cozy footmuff or under a stroller blanket. Courtesy Anne Vorrasi
Enjoy.Courtesy Anne Vorrasi


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