From Season 1 to now, the cast of 'Workin' Moms' has progressed so much.

The Workin’ Moms Characters Have Changed So Much Through The Years

In a way, haven’t we all grown with them?


Workin’ Moms has gone through so many changes from its first season to the big finale. Especially the characters. Here’s a look back at how they’ve all changed over the years. Spoilers are ahead for Seasons 1 through 7.

Kate Foster — Then

Remember Season 1 Kate Foster? Heading back to work as a PR executive after maternity leave, she joins a Mommy & Me group to deal with her loneliness and anxiety. And this changes everything for her.

Kate Foster — Now

By Season 7, Kate has it (mostly) together. By Season 7 she lets go a little at work and tries to find a better balance. Kate helps Anne through her near-death experience as she and Nathan find their way back to each other after introducing Nathan Jr. to the family. She’s evolving as a mom.

Nathan Foster — Then

Nathan Foster was just a regular dad trying to work and connect with his wife in the first season, but that all changed by Season 2. He cheated on Kate with Mean Nanny, and the couple struggle to stay together.

Nathan Foster — Now

After struggling with his identity as a dad of a teenager he never knew, Nathan finds his stride again in Season 7. He also becomes a bit of a lab rat for Kate’s job, getting pulled into her professional life despite himself.

Anne Carlson — Then

Anne Carlson is a mom of two, a psychiatrist, and Kate’s best friend. The first season sees her struggling financially, working from home, and dealing with her complicated relationship with partner Lionel.

Anne Carlson — Now

By Season 7, things are very different for Anne. We ended Season 6 on a cliffhanger with Anne being hit by a car. She survives, but she’s still struggling with her difficult daughter and trying to recapture her friendship with Kate.

Lionel Carlson — Then

Emotionally-available to a fault, Lionel is the ying to Anne’s yang in Season 1. He starts out as a sweet sensitive foil to Anne, a man who makes plans and wants to do the right thing.

Lionel Carlson — Now

Season 7 saw a new side of Lionel. After becoming internet famous as “Punch Dad” in Season 5 and getting arrested, Lionel becomes more confident. He’s also there for Anne in the aftermath of her accident when she becomes a thrill-seeker. He’s a long-suffering husband for sure.

Frankie Coyne — Then

Frankie is a mom struggling with postpartum depression in Season 1 of Workin’ Moms. She and wife Giselle welcomed daughter Rhoda, but Frankie can’t seem to pull herself out of those dark depths. Which is where her new friends step in.

Frankie Coyne — Now

Sadly, Season 5 was Frankie’s last season of Workin’ Moms. The real estate agent is finally thriving in her final season, although struggling to bond with her adopted son Solomon while new wife Bianca is away.

Jenny Matthews — Then

Jenny started out on Workin’ Moms resenting her return to work. She had an identity crisis as a new mom and struggled to find the right balance between work and motherhood and relationships.

Jenny Matthews — Now

Life has changed for Jenny by Season 7 of Workin’ Moms. Jenny had a really difficult time in Season 6, suffering a miscarriage and going through a breakup around the same time. Season 7 sees her trying to go it alone and find a new identity.

Val Szalinsky — Then

It could be argued that Val Szalinsky, the overzealous playgroup instructor in Workin’ Moms, was the catalyst that brought them together. Val is a single mom with two adult sons who just wants to break into that inner mom group. Will it ever happen?

Val Szalinsky — Now

Season 7 sees Val embracing her new role as the coolest grandma on the block. So much so that she gets heavily into the blackmarket breast milk trade. Anything to keep life interesting for Val.


Season 7 of Workin’ Moms starts streaming on April 26 on Netflix, and it’s the final one so you’re going to want to watch.