The Dutton family have unique parenting ideas.

10 Parenting Lessons From The Duttons On Yellowstone

If tough love is your jam, that is.

by Jen McGuire

Now that Yellowstone has returned for its super-sized fifth season, it’s time to revisit some of the best Dutton family moments. And perhaps take a cue or two from their incredibly original parenting style. Tough love with a dash of warmth, anyone?

Note: Spoilers are ahead!

#1. Maybe don’t brand your kids?

John branded his son Kayce out of spite for running away with Monica when she was pregnant with Tate, but it did not exactly endear his son to him. Lesson learned: kids don’t just become your property when you brand them.

#2. Kids are like sponges.

Kayce’s young son Tate has been known to swear at adults and throw things at them if they say anything about his dad. He’s a Dutton through and through.

#3. Kids find ways to test your love.

Are there two better best friends on Yellowstone than John Dutton and Tate? There’s nothing John won’t do for Tate, including jumping into a river to save his life.

#4. Everyone has to love your kid, including ranch hands.

John once told Kayce that he should never be sorry for who he is when the ranch hands wouldn’t drink with him. They better change their minds or else something is going to be done about it. Dutton-style.

#5. Some decisions don’t get forgiven.

John Dutton’s other children might have made their peace with him, but not Jamie. His adopted son doesn’t have any interest in forgiving him for his coldness towards him, and it seems to be a lifelong struggle neither will win.

#6. Your kid’s happiness is the most important.

When Beth asks John for his blessing to marry Rip, his first question is, “Do you love him?” But his second question is the real heart of everything, “Does he make you happy?” That’s parenting.

#7. Just let grandparents do their thing.

Throughout their relationship, John has taught Tate to pee outside, given him constant sugar, and let him do whatever he wanted. All while giving Kayce and Monica a break and making Tate feel loved. Nothing wrong with that.

#8. Ask for help when you’re down.

When John Dutton was battling cancer, he broke one of his cardinal rules and asked Beth not to sell the ranch. These two are ruthless, but of course she agreed because he was vulnerable. Nice trick, John.

#9. Just say no all the time.

When Carter wants a new shirt on a shopping trip with Beth, she says no. Like, a lot. So much that she’s filmed and accused of child abuse. Does she give in? Of course not.

#10. Tough love doesn’t always work.

Beth struggles with 14-year-old Carter because they’re both strong-willed. But when he was so unhappy that he was going to go back into the foster system, she relented. Made peace with him. Because love comes first.


No matter what wild ideas the Duttons have when it comes to parenting, they’ve always managed to find their way back to each other. Watch the new season of Yellowstone on Paramount+ on Sundays to see what they’ll come up with next.