
A Crash Course In Saving For Your Child’s Education

by BDG Studios
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It’s literally never too early to start thinking about saving for your child’s education—it’s a good idea to start saving before your child is even born. “The key is to put yourself on a savings program you can stick with,” says leading personal financial expert Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz, CFP®.If you start now, save at a consistent rate, and invest your money for potential growth, your children will likely be in a good financial place by college. Every dollar you save can mean less student debt down the road. To help you out on your money-saving journey, we’re partnering with Charles Schwab and Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz, CFP® to educate new parents on all the best ways to prepare for your child’s education costs.
First Things First: Get Social Security Squared Away

Most parents will apply for a Social Security number for their children when they fill out their birth registration form, but in the event that this is not the case, you can apply for one at your local Social Security office. You will need a Social Security number when opening an account for your child.
