
How Mercury Retrograde Is Out to Destroy Your Marriage This Week
by Maressa Brown

It's true: Your zodiac sign can offer insight into plenty of random moments in your everyday life, from how you can best tackle your toddler's worst tantrums to identifying your career goals. Romper partnered with astrologer Maressa Brown to share how you can make what's going on up in the sky work for you and score even more bliss and balance in your day-to-day. Here's your weekly horoscope for August 28 to September 3.

If Mercury retrograde has been making you want to pull your hair out since August 12, you're not alone. In this often ridiculously annoying phase, the planet of communication has been wreaking havoc on our travel plans, text messages, and — oh yeah — relationships. Mercury has been plodding backward in Virgo, which is associated with nit-picky details, daily routine, health matters. But on Thursday, it'll back up into passionate, romantic Leo, which may mean it'll throw a wrench into date night plans and relationship dynamics. Yep, definitely a headache!

Then, on Saturday, Mars in Leo makes a trine to sudden game-changer Uranus, currently in Aries, so confusion and miscommunication could set off some serious fireworks. You or your partner might be tempted to do your own thing, like make last minute travel plans or switch up your kid's child care plan without consulting one another.

Read more below to find out what this week's forecast means for your sign.

Aries (March 21–April 19)

Caroline Wurtzel/Romper

Maybe you've been looking forward to a chill time with your partner over the holiday, but steel yourself for a few stressful bumps in the road after Thursday. That's when Mercury moves back into your fifth house of romance, where it'll be stirring up confusion around your love life 'til September 5. If you feel like the two of you are speaking different languages — whether about a diaper change or squeezing in a bang sesh this weekend — know it's totally normal!

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Since August 12, you've probably been feeling a bit depleted of your usual flirtatious, sensuous energy, thanks to Mercury retrograde giving your fifth house of romance a beating. Well, after Thursday, the communication planet moves back into your fourth house of family life, and old issues with, say, your MIL or sleep regression headaches with your toddler might resurface. Instead of losing your sh*t on your partner, you can put your heads together now and figure it out once and for all.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

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You might feel like no one is understanding WTF you're saying — not even your partner — after Thursday, when Mercury backs up into your third house of communication. Think unsent emails, glitchy texts, old friends you may or may not want to reconnect with trying to check in, babysitters bailing at the last minute... Yeah, it could be stressful. But just do your best to laugh off any misunderstandings, and you and your partner will be better able to power through.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

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It's possible that you'll be pulling your hair out over your cash flow and, in turn, isolating yourself from your partner after Thursday. That's because Mercury retrograde will be sweeping through your second house of income, possibly throwing you off your game with surprise expenses, delayed payments, aggravating interactions with your boss, ugh. Do what you can to lean on and find comfort at home, snuggled up with your sweetie and your kiddo. Recharging yourself emotionally makes it easier to take on minor but frustrating money issues.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Caroline Wurtzel/Romper

You've been putting out fires right and left related to your source of income, but once Mercury retrograde is in your sign from Thursday to September 5, you'll be focused on going back to the drawing board to tackle personal goals from the past. You had a fight with your BFF but miss her terribly? Call her. Seriously. You want to get a new form of birth control? Go see your GYN. Getting your act together now will have you feeling far less stressed and hair-trigger in all areas of your life, including with your bae.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

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After Thursday, you may feel like bingeing all of the meditations on that app you downloaded or leaving your partner to handle the baby solo while you spend a day doing yoga and drinking wine with your BFF. Mercury retrograde will be in your twelfth house of spirituality 'til September 5, and you're just doing everything you can not to lose your damn mind. You may just feel off. So, ask for what you need. No shame!

Libra (September 23-October 22)

Caroline Wurtzel/Romper

Once Mercury retrograde lands in your eleventh house of networking on Thursday, where it'll hang 'til September 5, you may suddenly be inundated with calls, texts, emails, etc. from former colleagues, moms from your old neighborhood, college friends, etc. So much of this may have you feeling like you're being pulled in a bazillion directions and like you really need your honey to do some extra heavy-lifting with the kids and around the house. Speaking up, especially around Saturday, will serve you well.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Caroline Wurtzel/Romper

Prepare yourself to have to tackle a bunch of firestorms at work that you thought you'd already put out, but no. Thanks to Mercury retrograde's move through your tenth house of career from Thursday to September 5, you're gonna have to revisit anything that wasn't fully handled the first time. So, you might be kinda edgy and need to take an epsom salt bath or long run or both after you shut down your laptop for the day. See what you can do to rework the usual child care plan for time with your partner—it'll be worth it.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Caroline Wurtzel/Romper

Jetting off on a family vacay over the holiday weekend? Planning ahead for one this fall or winter? Either way you might encounter some bumps along the way while Mercury retrograde is in your ninth house of adventure from Thursday to September 5. Could just be a matter of a delayed flight or your L.O. not wanting to take a nap on your way up to the lake, and the less-than-smooth sailing might tempt you to freak out on your significant other — and everyone, really. Deep breaths, friend. You've got this.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

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From Thursday to September 5, Mercury retrograde will be in your eighth house of sexual intimacy, possibly drudging up some emotional issues or miscommunications you and your partner have previously dealt with. Sure, you should definitely try to talk it through. But maybe also do something wild (like getting it on in the car or shower while the L.O. is napping), which could make sparks fly in a really sexy, unpredictable way.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

Caroline Wurtzel/Romper

After Thursday, it'll be time to go back to the drawing board on a daunting project you and your partner started a while ago. (Maybe talking about baby #2? Decorating the nursery? Figuring out assisted living arrangements for your in-laws?) That's because Mercury retrograde will be in your seventh house of partnership. Even though you'd usually prefer to work independently, the best way to navigate this potentially stressful, but ultimately game-changing moment in your relationship is, yep — teamwork.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Caroline Wurtzel/Romper

Crappy traffic, wacky tech glitches, and kooky changes of plan — be it thanks to child care shifts, bad weather, family randomly visiting, etc. — are bound to drive you a bit bonkers from Thursday to September 5. That's because Mercury retrograde will be in your sixth house of daily routine. You'll do well to work with your partner to not only tackle logistical nightmares that are continually popping up but also vent to one another, lean on one another, and find ways to relieve one another's stress (sexy or not, take your pick!).