
13 Winter-Themed Baby Names For Your Future Snowboy Or Girl
Are you expecting a baby this winter? First of all, congratulations! Second of all, you lucky mama you. Besides being the coziest and, I would argue, most beautiful of the seasons, winter gives parents some great fodder for potential baby names.
Winter themed baby names don't have to be over the top, stereotypical, or too reminiscent of the holiday they'll inevitably feel steals their thunder each year. (Unless you want to name your child Christmas. You won't find me stopping you.) They can be beautiful, warm, classy and a definitely one of a kind. Most of them have that "winter vibe" that I adore. Honestly, if I could rename myself Ember or Noel, I probably would in a heartbeat (sorry Mom and Dad...). But alas, I'm not a winter baby and these names are perfect for babies born from November to February. Or for the winter fanatics like me.
So if you're looking for a winter-themed name for your little one, look no further. This list has everything from gender neutral choices to tried and true classics to names you've probably never even considered before. But they all have one thing in common— they all say "winter", in some way, shape or form.
The deep red color symbolizes love, Christmas, and looks great against the snowy, white tones of winter. It would make a great gender neutral choice for a winter baby.
This quirky moniker is the name of a beautiful climbing vine and would be the perfect classic name with a winter twist.
This popular English name hasn't seen a revival in the states since the '70s. Why not give it a well deserved comeback?
This sweet gender neutral name is more than just a popular sunglasses brand. Derived from the leaves of the Oak tree, this name has been gaining popularity for both boys and girls in recent years.
Noel is the French word for Christmas and is historically the name given to both boys and girls born on that day. It's elegant yet short and sweet — the perfect name for any baby, whether your due date is Christmas or not.
A more subdued version of Greyson, this name is one of the few boys' names related to a color.
A beautiful species of birds is what most people think of when they hear this name. Meaning "jaybird," this name makes the perfect short and sweet moniker for your little one.
A Winter-y version of the more popular Chris or Christopher, this adorable name means curly-haired and is a great unexpected choice.
Relating to the Greek word for star, and the name of a star-like flower, Aster is a beautiful name with a slightly mythic feel.
The French version of Amber could create a possible confusion between the two, but this glowing, gender neutral name is a great Winter name with some warmth to it.
There's no hiding a love for St. Nick with this name. It's a strong name meaning people of victory and would be a great, slightly less obscure, choice for a baby boy.
Images: AndrewVargas, JamesDaisa, MonicaFischer, BrianHolland, RebeccaVC1, RamaV, HeraldGroven, PavelP, JohnFlannery, PhilippePut, RuthHartnup, JKCaliff, ReinKetelaars, BertramNudelbach/ Flickr