14 Must-Have Items for Every New Mom's Go-Bag
The first time I stepped out of my house with my husband and our new baby in-tow, everything went wrong within minutes. The weather turned ominous, our Charlie became inconsolable, poop was everywhere, and concerned passersby started asking us if we wanted help. My husband and I exchanged the same exact "we have no idea what we're doing" glance. We had just planned on going for a walk around our neighborhood and to pick up some pizza, but we didn’t have any items on our newborn baby checklist with us, so we had to turn back...pizzaless.
I knew from then on that I’d have to be better about planning ahead. In order for Charlie and I to go out for even the shortest amount of time, I’d have to start anticipating all of his needs and bring tools to care for him while we were out of the house. So I started carrying what could be considered a “new mom go-bag,” and it quickly became a source of confidence and empowerment for me because I knew that if Charlie needed something, I would be ready.
Romper partnered with Pampers Premium Care to highlight items that are useful to have in any new mom’s go-bag. Life can get very complicated very quickly with a newborn, but you can do yourself a huge favor by keeping all the stuff you use on your baby over the course of a day (like wipes and other diaper-related things) in a secure place. Whether you're using a dedicated diaper bag or prefer a cute tote as your carryall, here are 14 items to put in it that will help keep moms and babies happy.
This post is sponsored by Pampers Premium Care.