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15 Old-Fashioned Wedding Traditions To Bring Back

by Leah Carton

Something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue. Although there are some wedding traditions that most brides follow on the day that they tie the knot, many brides as of late choose to have more modern nontraditional weddings and receptions. But going in with the new doesn't mean you have to go out with the old, as there are some old-fashioned wedding traditions that we should bring back.

It's no surprise that traditions have changed over time, and starting new traditions can begin as early as the time of engagement. According to a 2015 Best Buy Wedding Survey conducted by Wakefield Research of 1,000 brides and 1,000 grooms, 23 percent of couples had public formal proposals. The study's findings further noted that 69 percent of brides said that grooms played a big role in planning their wedding, compared to 49 percent of couples married 20 years ago. But there something to be said about a few of the classic wedding elements, no?

There are simple ways to mix-in new elements on your big day with wedding traditions that older generations in your family followed and loved. Adding these tasteful old-fashioned wedding traditions will also be a little perk to keep your mom and grandma extra happy, remember, the day is special for them too.

1Have The First Look At The Ceremony

A lot of brides do a first look photo shoot with their spouse-to-be before their ceremony. However, according to Country Living, it's a tradition to hold off seeing your spouse before the wedding. When you follow this tradition that prevents bad luck, every guest can see your first reactions as you walk down the aisle.

2Wear A Veil

With crystallized headpieces and fancy hair do's, it's common for brides to skip out on wearing a veil. According to Brides, however, ancient Greeks and Romans believed that wearing a veil protected the bride from evil spirits.

3Putt A Silver Sixpence In Your Shoe

You probably remember the tradition of incorporating something old, new, borrowed, and blue on your wedding day. But you probably don't remember the tradition of putting a sixpence in your shoe. According to Bride And Groom, putting a sixpence in your shoe helps to bring good wishes to your wealth.

4Allow Guests To Throw Rice After The Wedding

Whether you get married at a place of worship or have a casual outdoor wedding, think about allowing your guests to practice the tradition of throwing rice. According to Babble, showering a couple with rice is believed to help them have children, since it's a symbol of fruitfulness.

5Tossing The Garter

The groom's garter toss is similar to the bride's bouquet toss, and both traditions aren't as frequently done. According to BrideBox, whoever catches the garter will be the next man to be married.

6Choose A White Wedding Dress

With many different options when choosing a wedding dress, including style and color, it's easy to be tempted to pick something out-of-the-norm. According to Wedding's Center, however, the origin of a white wedding dress dates back to Queen Victoria when she chose a white dress rather than her best dress as a bride.

7Carry A White Bridal Bouquet

Yes, there are a ton of flowers to choose from when picking out your wedding day bouquets. But why not go for a simple hue? According to MadameNoire, brides made their bouquets white, a symbol of purity.

8Getting Marries In June

According to The Richest, the month of June was named after the goddess Juno, the goddess of marriage and domestic tranquility. If that isn't enough to get you to choose a summertime wedding, June also offers ideal weather for a celebration.

9Write A Letter To Your Spouse The Night Before Your Wedding

A wedding tradition that some couples don't do anymore is write a letter to each other the night before your wedding. According to Wedding Wire, the letter to your spouse before the wedding can be written in advance and can include compliments, stories, and inside jokes.

10Freeze A Slice Of Your Wedding Cake

It used to be old tradition for couples to freeze the top tier of their wedding cake to later eat on their first anniversary. And why woudl you argue with that? According to Cafe Mom, there's simple ways to freeze your wedding cake. These steps include pre-freezing the cake, wrapping it in plastic, wrapping in foil, and then thawing for 36 hours before eating on your anniversary.

11Have Your Spouse Ask For The Family's Blessing In Person

With tablets and smartphones, it's easy to ask friends and family questions through technology. However, asking your bride's guardian for their blessing shouldn't be something done over the phone or online. It should be special and meaningful. According to Slate, your spouse should sit down with your parent(s) to ask for their blessing before popping the question.

12Cut The Wedding Cake Yourself

According to The Knot, newlyweds cutting the wedding cake is symbolic because it signifies the first task that they complete together. The Knot further noted that this part of the reception also serves as a great photo opportunity.

13Carry Bride Over Threshold

Being swept up as a bride can be a romantic gesture. According to Bridal Guide, however, brides were swept up before entering their homes to lure away bad spirits.

14Distribute Five Sugar-Coated Almonds

According to The Knot, the Jordan Almond holds Greek and Italian symbolism. The Knot added that the almonds have a bittersweet taste for life and the added sugar coating is for life to be more sweet than bitter.

15Propose To Your Spouse On Leap Day

Who says women can't be the ones to propose to their significant others? According to Irish Central, St. Patrick decreed that women could propose to men on Leap Day, Feb. 29. I'm not saying you need this tradition for permission to propose, but it may give you the extra encouragement to do so.