

If You're Feeling Sentimental Come Xmas Eve, These 15 Insta Captions Are For You

by Samantha Grindell

When you're a kid, Christmas Eve feels like the longest day of the year — those hours of waiting for Santa to finally show are endless. But as an adult, the day flies by too quickly as you try to wrap a few more gifts and soak up as much quality time with your little ones as possible. These 14 sentimental Christmas Eve captions will capture the overwhelming love you're feeling for your fam in the hours before St. Nick visits, and save you the trouble of trying to think of one yourself.

Although Christmas Eve can definitely be stressful as you try to finish up all of your last minute holiday tasks, it's also one of the best days to appreciate everything beautiful about the season. The kids are all a flutter, wondering when Santa will finally come, as Bing Crosby croons "White Christmas." Your decorations will be the most beautiful they have been all season, with cookies waiting for St. Nick and presents piling up under the tree (better snap a pic of the pretty piles before the kiddos tear into them the next morning). And when you finally turn the lights out to go to bed, your house feels quiet and peaceful, and it really does seem like there's something magical in the air. Who wouldn't feel sentimental?

So read on for 14 captions to go with the nostalgic mood and sweet pictures you'll take, and enjoy the magic of Christmas Eve while you can.

1"Already got everything I asked Santa for."

If you actually remember to take a picture with the kids rather than just a million of them (Apple gave us self-timer for a reason, people), this caption will definitely do the pic justice. It works just as well on a photo of just the kids, too.

2"The reasons it's the most wonderful time of the year."

It can be easy to get caught up in the gift-giving aspect of Christmas, but at the end of the day, your fam is what makes it all worth while. The adorable pic of your kids next to the stockings will get even cuter with this caption.

3"Love actually is all around us." - 'Love Actually'

Most of the exciting moments of Love Actually take place on Christmas Eve (like this heartbreaking scene), so the iconic tagline is ideal for your Insta on December 24. Bonus points if you're holding a poster up with the quote, too.

4"Christmas Eve, a perfect night to express affection for your family, to forgive those who failed you and to forget past mistakes." - Unknown

Christmas Eve can often feel bittersweet and nostalgic as the precious moments with family pass, and this quote sums up those overwhelming feels. Hug your loved ones extra tight after uploading this caption.

5"It's the one night of the year when we all act a little nicer, we smile a little easier, we cheer a little more." - 'Scrooged'

Bill Murray's classic may be a comedy, but this line is nothing but sweetness. Pair it with a photo of your little ones cheesing by the cookies they're leaving out for Santa, and give all of Instagram something to smile about.

6"And to all a goodnight." - 'The Night Before Christmas'

The combination of a shot of your kiddos sleeping and a subtle reference to The Night Before Christmas will warm the cockles of your followers' hearts. (Assuming you can actually get the kids into bed. Look out for the crafty little ones trying to wait up to spy on Santa)

7"Christmas was on its way. Lovely, glorious, beautiful Christmas." -'A Christmas Story'

A Christmas Story is most known for its comedic moments, but Ralphie's description of the delightful anticipation on Christmas Eve is actually a great way to describe the emotional side of December 24. You'll be able to feel how excited the kids are in every photo you take, and this caption will just intensify the happy vibes they're giving off.

8"It's Christmas Eve and we are going to celebrate being young and being alive." - 'The Holiday'

The Holiday has a ton of memorable and empowering quotes, but this line, spoken by Miles, captures the invigorating excitement Christmas Eve can bring. It's a day to be joyous with the people you love most, and using this quote will definitely send that message to your followers.

9"Feeling merry and bright thanks to these people."

The benefits of this caption are two-fold. First, you get to reference a classic Christmas song that all of your followers will love, and second, everyone knows the people around you are the real reason you feel so festive this time of year. It's a win win.

10"Christmas Eve was a night of song that wrapped itself about you like a shawl. But it warmed more than your body. It warmed your heart...filled it, too, with melody that would last forever." - Beth Street Aldrich

Seriously, if this quote doesn't get you in the Christmas spirit, nothing will. Use it with a photo of your kids looking precious underneath some holiday lights.

11"Seeing isn't believing. Believing is seeing." - 'The Santa Clause'

The Santa Clause is that movie that makes you remember what it felt like when you truly believed in Christmas magic, and seeing the excitement on your kids' faces on Christmas Eve will do the same. Spread that holiday joy by sharing their picture and this quote.

12"I'll be dreaming of a white Christmas." - Bing Crosby

Bing Crosby's iconic lyrics definitely appeal to people's nostalgia, and it's ideal for a picture you post right before you head to sleep on Christmas Eve. Hopefully you'll wake up to a snowy fantasy.

13"If I wrote the naughty or nice list, they'd be every name on the nice list."

Celebrate how good your kiddos have been this year with these cute words and an even cuter photo of them. Don't worry, no one will be able to tell they broke into your secret cookie stash 2.5 seconds after the photo was taken.

14"All I want for Christmas is you." - Mariah Carey

You've probs been listening to Mariah Carey on repeat since the day after Thanksgiving, so it's only right to use these famous lyrics as your caption. Besides, what better way to sum up your love for your fam?

15"May you never be too grown up to search the skies on Christmas Eve." - Unknown

Christmas Eve awakens the innocence in all of us, especially if you have kids. Take a sneak shot of your little ones looking up at the stars before they go to bed, and prepare for all kinds of comments on your post about how precious they are. Here's to looking for Santa, always.


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