
Two girls laugh in their bedroom dressed festive for Christmas, while one wears reindeer antlers and...

17 Happy Christmas GIFs That Are So On Your Level Of Holiday Cheer

by Samantha Grindell

There are people who like Christmas, and then there's you. You begin your countdown for next year's celebration on December 26, you make homemade stockings for your kids before they're even conceived, and you can recite every word to It's A Wonderful Life in your sleep. Your love for St. Nick knows no bounds. Even if other people don't quite get your excitement for the holiday, these 17 funny Christmas GIFs definitely do.

Being one of the few true Christmas enthusiasts in your demographic can be rough. People give you the side eye when you show up to work in Santa-themed outfits for three weeks straight, though they do warm up considerably when you present them with homemade holiday themed cookies. Your partner has most likely had to ask you to stop playing your seasonal Spotify playlist so loudly countless times (that's why you asked them for those fancy headphones for Christmas last year, but whatever). Not even your kids can get on your level, and they still believe in Santa Claus! Sometimes it can feel like nothing can get you quite like a meme or GIF, and your situation is no exception.

These 17 Christmas GIFs just get you.

When Someone Asks If You're Ready For Christmas

Excuse me, you had all of your gifts purchased and wrapped in November, the decorations went up the minute Thanksgiving was over, and you haven't turned off the holiday radio station since December 1. You're ready.

Spreading Holiday Cheer Like

You don't have time for anyone who is going to try to put a damper on your holly jolliness. If they're not going to put on some jingle bells and enjoy that glass of egg nog, they need to leave immediately.

Feeling Festive

Why put up the decorations when you could put on the decorations?

Holiday Shopping Vibes

When someone tries to tell you that you already bought enough presents and don't need to get anymore, you cut them out and head to the nearest Target. You don't need that kind of evil in your life.

Eggnog Energy

As yummy as that seasonal drink is, you don't necessarily need a sip to get in the holiday spirit. (You'll def still be having a glass, though — spiked, please)

Making Christmas Plans

One of the best things about Christmas is getting ready for it.

Getting Emotional About Decorations

Your Christmas tree is without a doubt the most beautiful holiday plant there ever was, and don't let anyone tell you differently. I won't judge you if you spend a solid hour just staring at it.

Thinking About Santa

When you try to keep cool, but you really just can't.

When Anything Good Happens In December

Any and all positive life events must be attributed to the magic of the season itself. It's Christmas law.

When Someone Says They Don't Love Christmas

Who hurt them? Why don't they want to experience joy?

Your Attitude To Anyone Who Shows Even An Ounce Of Holiday Cheer

Their good behavior should be celebrated, and you're the perfect person to pat them on the back.

When All I Want For Christmas Comes On

Some songs were born to be belted, and Mariah Carey's holiday classic is one of them.

Thinking About Presents Like

I'm pretty sure this is an exact replica of what I look like running down the stairs on Christmas morning. Either way, Michael Bublé fake skiing in antlers and a Rudolph nose is a level of Christmas cheer we should all aspire to reach.

When You Think About Kris Kringle Coming Down The Chimney

You've laid out some cookies, filled a glass of milk to the brim, and even left a snack for the reindeer. That man best hurry up because you've been waiting.

Making Your Christmas List

Speaking of Santa, you've been extra good, and you expect results. In the words of Eartha Kitt, "Santa baby, I want a yacht and really that's not a lot."

Finally Getting To Put On Your Favorite Christmas Sweater

Some people don't leave the house without pants on. You won't without your favorite Christmas sweater.

And Above All, Just Trying To Contain Your Joy

Enjoy your favorite day all of my Christmas fanatics! It's what Santa would want.

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