
Sleep Milestones Babies Reach By 3 Months

by Olivia Youngs

As your baby grows out of the newborn phase and officially becomes an "infant," their habits will develop right along with the size of their cheeks and their budding personality. In the first few months of life, your baby won't have much of a schedule when it comes to anything. But as they get a little bit older, their schedule should become a bit more predictable. Like every aspect of your baby's development, there are certain sleep milestones a baby should reach at 3 months that you'll want to keep an eye out for.

As you go through these milestones, keep in mind that every baby is different. Some will sleep through the night at 3 months old, while others won't until well beyond their first birthday. Your baby's sleep will be influenced by their temperament, feeding schedule, bedtime ritual, and more, so bear in mind that it's OK if your baby doesn't reach all of these milestones right away.

That said, it can help to have a bit of a "road map" for what to expect as your baby grows and develops. Even though your baby might not sleep exactly as you expected (or hoped,) these milestones can act as a guide when it comes to night time with your three month old.


They'll Start To Sleep For Longer Stretches

According to Baby Center, when your baby hits 3 months, they might start magically sleeping for longer stretches — both at night and during the day. Although they'll still sleep a lot, they might develop a bit of a schedule, which can mean a bit more sleep for you too.


They Might Drop A Nighttime Feeding

With longer stretches of sleep at night, your baby may start waking up less to eat. Although, Parents noted, a 3 month old still needs to eat during the night, they might drop a feeding (or two) during this month.


They'll Sleep Up To 16 Hours Per Day

According to the Baby Sleep Site, 3 month olds need to sleep about 15 to 16 hours per day (including naps and nighttime sleep.) Although you probably don't need to keep track exactly, it can be a useful guide to ensure your baby is getting enough sleep.


They'll Start To Benefit From Bedtime Routines

Although What To Expect noted that implementing a nightly routine won't be beneficial for your newborn, the site suggested that once your baby reaches 3 months, they can start to benefit (and even enjoy) a nightly routine. Whether you do a bath, nurse, rock, or sing a few songs before bed, it will help them in the long run as they learn to go to bed on their own.