Being pregnant on Thanksgiving might actually be the best. Sure, you can't partake in the wine, cocktails, or other alcoholic merriment, but this is a holiday that primarily revolves around a large meal and then a nap. What's not to love, with or without a bun in the oven? If you'll be expecting this Thanksgiving, you'll definitely appreciate these funny Thanksgiving memes for pregnant women because Thanksgiving is a holiday that's basically made just for you.
If you're going to be pregnant on a holiday, Thanksgiving might just be the best holiday for it. If you have to cook, it can be awfully exhausting — even if you're not pregnant — but if your family and friends are so generously giving you the year off, all you have to do is show up, make polite conversation, watch football (or Christmas movies), eat, and then hang out on the couch. You can even wear stretchy maternity pants if you want to instead of the fussier outfit that you might wear on years that you're not pregnant. It's pretty much what you'd be doing if you were at home on your own couch anyway, right? Plus, this year, you might not have to worry quite as much about exactly how much you're eating during dinner because you're eating for two.
These memes about a Thanksgiving pregnancy capture that experience — and couldn't be more relatable.
1Multiple Lunches, Multiple Dinners
If you're a hungry-all-the-time pregnant woman, the multiple lunches and multiple dinners that pregnant Pam and Kevin indulge in couldn't be more relatable, especially on a day that, let's face it, is mostly spent eating. It's almost time for second dinner. Is there a third dinner? Asking for a friend. And by "a friend," you mean yourself.
2There's Always Room For Pie
Sure, you just scarfed down a full plate of all your Thanksgiving favorites, plus seconds of a couple of this year's especially delicious dishes, but there's always room for pie — especially when you're pregnant. Even better? There's likely more than one kind of pie on your Thanksgiving table and, of course, you have to sample them all. It's just good manners.
3Oh, Now Everyone Wants To Be Pregnant
In your maternity pants, you're really the only one dressed for the day full of eating that's ahead of you. Your family and friends will be jealous that you're not bursting out of your pants like they are (actually, you are, but you know what I mean). Now everyone wants to be pregnant over the holidays, huh?
4Eat, Sleep, Eat, Repeat
Growing a human being is exhausting, or so I've heard. Luckily, on Thanksgiving, there's often plenty of time to nap, or at least rest, after eating your big meal. And if your hosts don't have any rest time built into your itinerary, you can always use the tired pregnant lady excuse to head to a spare bedroom and shut your eyes for a minute — or several.
5Maternity Pants Or Thanksgiving Pants?
You've put on your comfiest maternity clothes and are so ready for turkey, mashed potatoes, and green beans. Hey, next year, when you're no longer pregnant, you just might want to re-wear your maternity pants since now you know they can double as your ideal Thanksgiving pants.
6Ready For Your Medal
You're more than ready for Thanksgiving because this year you're pregnant and you can eat to your heart's content without stressing too much about the consequences. You might not be eating four different Thanksgiving dinners like Lorelai and Rory, but you too can spend Black Friday accepting your Olympic gold medal for eating, and justify it all as fuel for a full day of shopping.
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