
6 Signs You Should Go To A Doctor To Get Your Lightning Crotch Checked Out

by Jacqueline Burt Cote

The cervix is funny in that it's one of those body parts you aren't really aware of most of the time... until, that is, you get pregnant and suddenly it feels like somebody's stabbing you in the dang thing. Known as "lightning crotch," this bizarre and exceedingly unpleasant sensation is the result of increasing pressure on the nerve center by the cervix, and most of the time it's nothing to worry about (though you certainly have license to complain!). Sometimes, however, there are signs that your lightning crotch requires medical attention.

Of course, we completely understand the inclination to call your OB/GYN in a panic at the first onset of this discomfort (and by "discomfort" we mean "electrifying, aggressive bursts of agony"), but try not to freak out right away. Whether or not your symptoms are benign or potentially problematic depends on several factors, as does the reason why you have lightning crotch in the first place. Assuming your pregnancy is a healthy one and there are no cysts or other issues, this kind of pelvic pain in the first trimester might be due to your enlarging uterus and increased blood flow to your pelvis, both of which compress your bladder and make everything all around uncomfortable.

Moving into the second trimester, there are even more reasons why you might experience lightning crotch, such as your baby's intrauterine gymnastics (nothing like a tiny foot kicking you in the cervix!) and increasing weight. Varicose veins are another possible cause for lightning crotch at this point, as they can develop in the labia and vagina during pregnancy. What fun! And that's not all: Stretching of the round ligaments, explains Mama Natural, which support the uterus and pelvis, can result in this type of pain; some experts also believe that magnesium deficiency might make these symptoms worse, as it is essential for proper nerve function.

Unfortunately, the final stretch of pregnancy is usually when the symptoms of lightning crotch are the worst; the closer you get to your due date, the more likely it is that these pains are because you're getting closer to labor. As your baby descends lower into the birth canal, there's more pressure than ever on all those delicately placed nerves, resulting in stabbing pains that can extend to the rectum or even legs. Assuming everything is progressing the way it's supposed to and that you and your baby are safe, is there anything you can do to make lightning crotch less, well, awful? Honestly, like stretch marks and heartburn and swollen ankles, there's probably no way to completely escape this rite of passage (though not every woman experiences it).

Again, as alarming as these sensations can be, they're usually not a huge concern, but there are certain signs to look for, just in case. Be particularly cautious if you're less than 37 weeks along. If you experience any of these symptoms along with lightning crotch at any point in your pregnancy, let your doctor know right away:



Fever isn't always a sign that something is seriously wrong during pregnancy (it could be just a garden variety bug), but it could also be a sign of a dangerous bacterial infection, reports Parents.


Abnormal or Increased Discharge

Most vaginal discharge during pregnancy is okay (even when there's lots of it), but if it goes from white to green or yellow (and smells funky), it could be a sign of infection, as stated by the American Pregnancy Association (APA).



While spotting during pregnancy is common (particularly during the first trimester), heavier bleeding can be a sign of cervical polyps, miscarriage, or other issues, according to the APA. Tell your doctor right away just in case.



Most women experience some degree of back pain during pregnancy, and it's generally not cause for panic; in some cases, however, it can signal preterm labor or a kidney infection, states Baby Center.


Leaking Fluid

Since you're likely to be a little leaky during pregnancy (and yep, we're talking about pee), it can be tough to tell if any extra moisture is urine or amniotic fluid, says Baby Center. But on the off chance it's the latter, you should let your healthcare provider know asap.



Okay, obviously nausea and vomiting are basically your M.O. these days. But if you have pain, too, there could be any number of other things going on (surprisingly, appendicitis is actually pretty common during pregnancy according to doula and author Robin Elise Weiss, phD), so get it checked out.

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