
7 Signs You've Got A Talkative Tot On Your Hands
by Leah Carton

Are you hearing more noise coming from your little one? Are their cries quickly turning into curious coos? These may be early clues that your baby will grow up to be a talkative kid. Catching the signs your kid is going to be talkative can start early on in your child's life. Vocal babies may be responsive in the leading months after their birth, paying attention and reacting to speech they hear around them.

To help your baby transition from babbling sounds to more developed words, you should listen and respond to them when they attempt to make conversation. You can spark their interest by looking for engaging ways for them to interact with you and others through playful games and books. You can also place your baby in social settings where they can listen and observe other people speak and interact. Give those close to you the opportunity to play and talk with your baby so that your child can further develop their social skills. Allow your baby to voice their emotions from the get-go and shape their own talkative personalities.

Here are some signs your baby is already vocal and can grow up to be a talkative kid that isn't afraid to speak their mind.


They're Expressive In The First Few Months

A 4-month-old baby should be able to coo, laugh, and recognize their parent's voice, according to MedlinePlus. Additionally, a child between 18 months and 2 years should be able to speak a two to four-word sentence, according to BabyCenter. If your baby achieves these signs of growth before then, chances are they love to express themselves and be heard.


They Ask For What They Want

A quiet baby or young toddler may hold back with their demands for what they want. A baby who may be talkative later in life shows interest in gestures and vocalizing when they need or desire something. You may be questioning when it will be that you'll hear your baby start to combine the words that they know. Between the 18 months and 2-year-old range, a baby begins to use action words like "Shoes on," according to PBS.


They Advance Quickly Once They Learn How To Talk

Babies that will be talkative later in life could be the ones who develop their speaking skills rapidly. According to Very Well, gifted babies surpass the 100-word mark when they are 18 months old compared to 18-month-old babies who speak five to 20 words. Additionally, a future chatterbox will be able to construct sentences (or something sounding like a sentence) at this point.


They Are Confident In Learning A New Skill

Children can feel more confident in themselves when they get to explore a new experience. Babies develop high self-esteem as a result of interacting with those around them, according to Zero to Three. At times, parents should let their babies learn new skills and explore on their own.


They Come From Fellow Chatterboxes

According to Talk With Your Baby, research has shown that 3-year-old children of talkative families may be exposed to 30 million more words than children from less-talkative families. These same children from talkative families also perform well during cognitive development tests.


They Crave Attention

Children who love to talk will crave attention when they have no one to socialize with. In an interview with Parents, Ph.D. Dr. Kathryn Hirsh-Pasek said you should, "follow his gaze to see what excites him, and respond to his interests." From there give your baby hints to what an object does and describe to them what it looks like, according to Parents.


They Aren't Afraid Of Strangers

Some babies aren't afraid to be talkative, no matter who it is they're interacting with. According to Parenting, babies that smile at nearly anyone could have the potential to be a social butterfly.