
9 Amazon Prime Hacks Every Mom Needs To Know
If you're taking care of kids, chances are you don't have the time or inclination for long, leisurely shopping trips all over town. Even the logistics of hitting up a grocery store with your kid can turn chaotic in a hurry, leaving you with nightmares about temper tantrums in the cereal aisle. Thankfully, technology has your back, and the Amazon Prime hacks every mom needs to know will make you wonder how you ever got by without the service.
Sure, you're probably familiar with the idea of Amazon Prime and its (in)famous free 2-day shipping, but the service offers plenty of bonus features that just might make your life easier. For instance, all Prime members qualify for free, unlimited photo storage, so you have a safe place to back up your priceless family photos. And you can also use Amazon's warehouse service to find discounted prices on tons of goods, from diapers to toys.
Best of all, retrieving your stuff is as simple as opening the door to your mail carrier. You won't have to futz with car seats or drag a worn-out, shrieking toddler through the mall. Ordering stuff for you and your kid is as simple as typing in an app or pushing a Dash button. Hurray for technology!
1Amazon Family
Two words: diaper subscriptions. When you're an Amazon Prime member you can subscribe to diapers at a 20 percent discount, according to Amazon. Because you never hear parents complaining about having too many diapers laying around.
2Dash Button
Hey, it can be hard to take a quick trip to the store when you have kids in tow. Thankfully, the Amazon Dash button can save you a trip, and it has a pretty great selection of baby gear as well. Just push the button when you're running low on baby wipes or Aquaphor, and the item you need will show up two days later.
3Prime Photos
Is there any parent whose phone memory isn't eaten up with a ton of kid pics? It's an inevitable side effect of parenting in the digital age. With Prime Photos, you get free unlimited photo storage. Now you can reclaim some of your phone's storage space while keeping your favorite pics safe.
4Shared Accounts
Divide and conquer. As noted on Mom Deals, you can split the cost of an Amazon Prime membership with a friend or family member. You both get free two-day shipping for a fraction of the initial buy-in fee.
5Warehouse Deals
If you're looking to cut costs on stuff for your kids, then Amazon Warehouse may be your new best friend. The products, which have been returned or refurbished, are in good condition but not necessarily brand new. That said, you may be able to score a deep discount on a baby gate, humidifier, or a whole host of toys.
6No-Rush Shipping Bribe
Granted, the two-day shipping is one of Amazon Prime's major selling points. But if you don't need that particular order of baby wipes right away, you can take the no-rush shipping bribe in exchange for Amazon credits toward Kindle books or movie downloads, as noted on Wallet Hacks. Basically, you can get free stuff when you don't need your orders right away.
7Kindle Owners’ Lending Library
You can never have too many books, especially when your kid is still being introduced to the world of the written word. As the word library suggests, these books are available for free, and the Kindle lending library has hundreds of thousands of titles. You get one free borrow a month.
8Free Welcome Baby Kit
Free is the best price of all. If you're a Prime member who completes an Amazon Baby Registry, you can receive a free baby registry welcome box filled with product samples for you and your little one. According to the reviews, recent boxes have included a swaddle blanket, toys, and several product samples.
9Prime Video
Lastly, there is a pretty great selection of shows and movies available for free with a Prime membership. If your kid is addicted to Bubble Guppies or the Shaun The Sheep movie, then she can watch it again and again at no extra cost to you. Oh, and you can marathon more grown-up shows once the kids are in bed.