
9 Health Benefits To Having Sex On Your Period

by Lindsay E. Mack

Deciding to engage in period sex involves a certain amount of bodily comfort and an open mind. Although it may not be for everyone, there are health benefits to having sex on your period that may make you reconsider your stance on getting down during shark week. In fact, it just might help relieve many of the symptoms that make periods so painful and obnoxious in the first place.

If you've never given it a shot before, then you may want to keep a few things in mind. First, there is nothing inherently gross or unclean about menstruation — it's just a normal bodily process that has been vilified in many ways for far too long. And if you can keep this perspective in mind, it's easy to reframe the idea of period sex as a normal part of a healthy romantic life. Although you will probably want to give your partner a heads-up when it is that time of the month, chances are your SO will not be as grossed out by the concept as you fear. What's more, sex during this time may help you have fewer cramps and other pains, as well as potentially lighter periods overall. Maybe if you can keep the romance going, your period week won't have to be a total drag.


You Get Cramp Relief

If cramps are getting the best of you, then sex just might help you find some relief. As explained by Kinsey Confidential, both the physical and mental aspects of sex may help lessen period cramps. Basically? Don't discount sex's ability to distract you from any pains.


You Have A Shorter Period

Sure, it sounds too good to be true. But according to ABC News, the muscle contractions associated with orgasm may help expel your period blood more quickly. So you may experience both a lighter flow and more pleasure. There is not much of a downside.


You Experience General Pain Relief

If you tend to feel generally achey and cruddy during that time of the month, then a little adult fun may help that out as well. According to WebMD, orgasms could help you block feelings of pain. Hopefully that piercing period headache will be on its way out.


You'll Be Less Stressed

It's normal to feel at least a bit stressed around shark week, especially if periods tend to bring you pain. Thankfully, sex with a partner may help you reduce your stress response, as noted by Very Well. If nothing else, it can take your mind off your stressors for a little while.


Your Sleep Improves

If your period pains tend to disrupt sleep, then you might have yet another reason to get frisky. The hormonal changes associated with sexual activity may make it easier for you to doze off, according to Women's Health. Hey, might as well make those hormones work in your favor, right?


You Get A Lot Of Pleasure

So what's the worst that could happen? Well, you just might enjoy yourself more than usual. As noted in Health, women may experieince more pleasure during period sex because it may boost your hormonal response and (in a way) helps increase your natural lubrication, making things more comfortable. If you have a chance to enjoy more pleasure and less pain, then why not give it a shot?


You Bond With Your SO

In general, sex can help strengthen your romantic relationship, so it makes sense not to put passion on the back burner for one week every month. As licensed marriage and family therapist Lisa Thomas said in Psychology Today, "Good sex can be like a glue that holds a relationship together in times of stress." You don't have to keep this healing element out of your relationship every time there's a minor monthly visitor.


You May Want It More

Strange but true. Many women report increased desire during their period, as noted in Cosmopolitan. Whether influenced by hormones or more physical aspects, plenty of women want it more during this time. Why deny yourself something normal and pleasurable?


It's Perfectly Normal

OK, so this may be more in the mental health realm. But chances are, you've been taught that periods are somehow dirty and embarrassing, when they're really just part of normal bodily functions. So if you want to challenge this attitude, then try some period sex. It may help you remember that there's nothing weird or gross about Aunt Flo at all, and you're welcome to continue your normal activities whether it's menstruation week or not.