
9 Signs You'll Regret Marrying Your Partner

Marriage is a lifelong commitment, and not a decision to take lightly. As excited as you may be to wear a beautiful dress and toast your nuptials with your loved ones, the real work begins once the honeymoon ends. This is why you need to know that the person you're planning to spend your life with is the right one. If you're on the fence about whether or not you should walk down the aisle with your boo, you should know the signs you'll regret marrying your partner.

In the beginning, you may be too smitten to see any of the problems in your relationship. But there are signals that your romance is headed down a wrong path that you definitely shouldn't ignore. Financial issues, an inability to communicate, and a lack of trust are just a few red flags that can give you a clue that you will end up regretting your decision to tie the knot. And although no one goes into a marriage planning for divorce, deciding to stay in a relationship with issues can do more harm than good. According to WebMD, staying in a bad relationship can have negative effects on your health including raising stress levels and increased risk of heart disease.

So before you send out your Save The Dates, be on the lookout for some of these relationship red flags. And even if you've already started planning your nuptials, it's better to take a step back and try to work through your issues now than to end up regretting your decision later.


You and Your Partner Don't Treat Money The Same

If you're pinching pennies while your partner is spending like crazy, chances are that fights about money will be a common theme in your marriage. As The Huffington Post suggested, if finances are a problem in your relationship, your marriage will be plagued with problems.


You Feel Controlled

Does your partner decide everything from what's for dinner to where you spend your summer vacation? You may admire their take charge personality now, but you'll soon grow tired of being left out of the decision making process. As E-Harmony mentioned, in a loving relationship, both partners make decisions.


You Can't Communicate

It may sound cliché, but communication is the key to any relationship. And in a marriage, it's particularly important that you and your partner be able to share your feelings and talk through any issues. As Prevention mentioned, communication issues in a relationship are usually a sign of problems to come.


You Think They Will Change

Although it's true that people evolve over time, you shouldn't marry someone in the hopes that your partner will drop annoying habits or become a different person. As The Huffington Post mentioned, you should marry your partner for who they are, not who you hope they will become.


You Sense Trust Issues

They may seem small now, but if you are constantly catching your partner in lies, there is potential for a real problem in your marriage. As E-Harmony pointed out, marriages with trust survive.


You Don't Fight Fair

You and your spouse will undoubtedly have arguments throughout your marriage. But how you resolve your issues can be a clue as to whether or not you are in a healthy relationship. As WebMD mentioned, couples who personally attack each other in arguments rather than discussing the issue at hand will have problems in their marriage.


You Don't Share Values

You may think it's no big deal now, but it's important that the person you marry shares your beliefs and values — especially if you decide to raise children together. As The Huffington Post noted, if your values don't line up with your partner, you will have problems throughout your relationship.


You Feel Isolated

Getting married shouldn't mean you have to say goodbye to your besties. And if your partner is trying to isolate you, there is cause for concern. According to Self, if your partner wants to keep you away from friends and family, you will have regrets later.


You Don't Receive Apologies

You're going to have plenty of disagreements in your relationship, and both you will need to be able to take your share of the blame. Self noted that if your partner is unable to say "I'm sorry," you will have regrets later.