
9 Signs Your Baby Is Dehydrated & Needs Some Nourishment

by Angela Johnson

As the temperatures drop, babies are more susceptible to colds and other viruses that can cause them to lose plenty of fluids. But since they can't tell you when they are in danger, it's even more important for you to watch for signs that they need to be hydrated. If your baby is under the weather, you need to know the signs your baby is dehydrated.

According to Baby Center, babies are more prone to dehydration than adults. Bouts of vomiting, diarrhea, and even sweating can cause them to lose more fluids than they consume and, as a result, put them at risk for dehydration. Sunken eyes, dry mouth, and a decrease in wet diapers are just a few of the tell-tale signs that your baby could use your help to get more fluids into his body.

If you notice any of the signs of dehydration in your baby, it is important to contact your doctor as soon as possible to determine the best next steps. He may instruct you to give him more breast milk or formula to replace the lost fluids. After three months of age, it is safe to give your dehydrated baby doses of electrolyte fluids such as Pedialyte, according to his weight and age, according to Baby Center.

You can do your part to make sure your baby has enough fluids by ensuring she has enough liquid in the form of breast milk or formula throughout the day, particularly during the summer months. And when you begin to feed your baby solids, make sure you are supplementing his foods with water.

1They Have Fewer Wet Diapers

If you notice a decrease in the number of wet diapers your baby has in a given day, it could be a sign of dehydration. According to What to Expect, if you change less than six wet diapers in a given day, you should contact your doctor to make sure your baby is not dehydrated.

2They Don't Produce Tears

As a parent, you hate to see your baby in tears. But if you're concerned about dehydration, tears are actually a good thing. If your baby is crying but you don't see tears, she could be dehydrated, as Baby Center mentioned.

3They Have Darker Urine

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When you're inspecting your baby's dirty diapers, be sure to pay attention to the color of his urine. As What to Expect noted, if your baby's urine output is darker and more concentrated than normal, it could be a sign that he needs more fluids.

4They Have Dry, Chapped Lips


As Dr. Sears noted on his website, dry, chapped lips are a sign of moderate dehydration in your baby. Most likely, you will be able to treat it at home with an increase in fluids, but you should contact your doctor to determine the best next steps.

5They Aren't As Active

If your normally active baby has a low level of energy, you should pay close attention. According to The Bump, a baby who is lethargic and less active than normal could be suffering from dehydration.

6Their Skin Is Less Elastic


If you're concerned that your baby may be dehydrated, gently pinch his skin and see how long it takes to return to its normal appearance. According to Parents, if you notice a decrease in the elasticity of your baby's skin, he could be dehydrated.

7They Have A Sunken Soft Spot


If you have an infant, the soft spot on his head can give you a clue that he is dehydrated. If you notice that your baby's fontanelle or soft spot looks sunken, it could be a sign of dehydration, as Kids Health mentioned.

8They Are Extremely Fussy

When your baby is sick, you can expect her to be fussy. But if you notice any of the other symptoms of dehydration, you should pay close attention to her cries. On their website, Pedialyte mentioned that extreme fussiness is a sign that your baby could be dehydrated.

9They Have Sunken Eyes


According to Baby Center, if you notice your baby has sunken eyes, it could be a sign that he is seriously dehydrated and needs immediate medical attention.