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9 Skincare Mistakes Most Women Make & Need To Fix

by Meg Kehoe

In my humble opinion, there's nothing better than a morning skincare routine. Everything just seems easier and more manageable when I'm starting off with a clean and healthy canvas. But no matter how many products you buy, the fact remains that sometimes, your skin is unpredictable. And regardless of how many good practices you might think you adhere to, there are still skincare mistakes most women make that can cause some serious damage. This is especially true if your skin is misbehaving one day. Because when your skin is being problematic, you want to fix it immediately. But jumping to action can often mean you're overdoing it.

So whether or not you think you're a skincare pro, you'll want to keep reading, because a few of these skincare mistakes are mistakes that you might not realize you're making. And those are the worst mistakes to make, aren't they? In order to avoid any continual damage to your skin, slow down your skincare routine and make sure you're doing right by your skin. Although it might mean toning down the number of products you use or changing up your standard skincare regimen, your skin will thank you for reevaluating your routine in the long run.

1You Over-Exfoliate

In an interview with New Beauty, esthetician Renee Rouleau noted that many women are over-exfoliating their skin. "In the quest to look younger and have smoother skin, people are doing too many aggressive exfoliating treatments that are actually injuring their skin," Rouleau said. "Too much exfoliation can cause a damaged moisture barrier, resulting in flaking, dehydration and inflammation, possible destruction of healthy cells, and a stimulation of melanin activity causing increased hyperpigmentation.” So while you might think that scrubbing your skin within an inch of its life is helping rid your face of all the bad stuff that lingers there, it could actually be injuring your skin and taking away the good stuff, too.

2You Use Too Many Products

Yes, there is such a thing as using too many products. Board certified dermatologist Dr. Debra Luftman, co-author of The Beauty Prescription, and dermatologist for Simple skincare, told Women's Health that there's a good chance you have way too many products in your routine.

“You only need a cleanser, daily sunscreen, and a treatment-oriented product — like a moisturizer, acne treatment, or anti-aging product,” Luftman said. If your daily routine consists of more than that then it's time to consider paring things back to a more manageable routine. Luftman recommended nixing scrubs and toners from your daily routine, and using them only two or three times a week.

3You Don't Wear Sunscreen Daily

According to Rouleau, you need to wear sunscreen 365 days a year, no matter the weather. Rouleau noted that 78 percent of UV rays happen when you don't think you're on the receiving end of damaging rays, and this is why wrinkles have a tendency of setting in early for some women. On top of wearing sunscreen every single day, you'll want to make sure you're using enough product to make a difference. Although finding a daily SPF that works for your skin can be difficult, it's worth it in the long run.

4You Skimp On Sleep & Water

Although there are plenty of miracle products out there, nothing keeps your skin clear like the basics: sleep and water. "Sleep and hydration are essential for skin health,” Luftman told Women's Health. If you're slacking on both, it can do some major damage to your skin. According to Luftman you want to aim for seven to eight hours of sleep a night, and make sure you're drinking enough water.

5You Use Products In The Wrong Order

It doesn't matter how high quality your products are if you're using them in the wrong order, according to an AOL interview with dermatologist Dr. Neal Schultz. "Nothing bad will happen to your skin," he said. "But, if you are going to the store, spending your money, and spending your time, you may as well do it right." Read the directions and consult your dermatologist if you think you may be applying products in the wrong order.

6You Leave Your Makeup On At The Gym

It can be a little nerve wracking to work out without any products on, but your skin will be way better off if you give your face a wipe down before hopping on the treadmill. Regardless of the ingredient make up of your makeup, your pores will get clogged and cause you to break out if you're wearing anything while working out, according to Luftman.

7You Skip Your Nightly Face Wash

Chances are sometimes you still slip up and hit the hay without washing your face. And nothing is worse for your skin than this. "Sleeping with dirt, oil, and makeup on causes acne and enlarged pores," Dr. Audrey Kunin, an associate clinical instructor of dermatology at the University of Kansas School of Medicine told Prevention. Prepare yourself with a low-key version of your nightly routine for when you're not sure you can deal with the whole thing. Even a makeup wipe is better than leaving on that full face.

8You Ignore Your Neck

One of the biggest mistakes a woman can make, according to Rouleau, is forgetting to take care of their neck. “A woman will typically rub moisturizer onto her face and then whatever is left over on her fingertips will extend down onto her neck,” Rouleau said. And guess what? That doesn't really cut it. With sunscreen, moisturizer, and more, you'll want to start paying your neck the attention it deserves. The skin on your neck needs care just as much as your face does, especially as you get older.

9You Swap Products Too Often

According to Prevention, it takes at least eight weeks to see the results of most skincare ingredients, so it's important to give products time to do their work. The outlet went on to state that changing up products too often can actually damage your skin, and recommended introducing new products into your routine slowly. Adding one product about every two months will keep your skin from getting inflamed, and help keep your skin evened out when introducing new products to your routine.