
9 Things That Are Guaranteed To Happen On The First Day Of Fall

by Lindsay E. Mack

For autumn-obsessed people like me, one of the happiest days of the year is almost here, and that's the first day of fall. Really, the things that only happen on the fall equinox are worth looking forward to all year long. It's truly a magical season.

Typically occurring on September 22 or 23, the fall equinox marks the official beginning of autumn, as noted in Encyclopaedia Brittanica. It's also one of the two days out of the year with (more or less) equal parts light and darkness.

Like any seasonal shift, the September equinox brings with it all sorts of changes. For some spiritual traditions, it's a powerful time of reflection on the year that has passed, as well as preparation for the winter that is to come. In more modern culture, though, it might just signify the triumphant return of pumpkin-flavored everything (and I am 100 percent on board with this). Whether the equinox is a significant time for you, or you're just happy to see the return of sweater weather at long last, there's a few things that generally only happen this time of year. Read on to see what the September equinox has in store for you this year.

1Day & Night Are Balanced

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Granted, this actually happens twice a year. But during the September equinox, day and night are almost the same length, lasting about 12 hours each, as noted in Time and Date. It's a cool point of balance during the calendar year.


A pagan harvest festival, Mabon also takes place around the time of autumn equinox. It's a period of contemplation and celebration. "Mabon is a time to reflect on the previous year, when we can celebrate our successes (likened to bringing in the harvest) and assess which crops, projects, or dreams didn’t come to fruition,” said pagan leader Laurie Lovekraft in HuffPost. It's also common to mark the occasion with seasonal foods such as apples and pomegranates.


Even though you've secretly been enjoying pumpkin spice lattes since the very day they hit the store, it feels safe to publicly broadcast that info once fall is officially here. You can Instagram that PSL with pride now.

4Equinox Sunrise

OK, this technically occurs twice a year, in both spring and fall. But Neo-Druids gather at places such as Stonehenge to watch the equinox sunrise, offer thanks, and prepare for the coming winter, as noted in Mental Floss. You can also make a point of enjoying the sunrise on this day, too, wherever you happen to be in the world.

5Autumn Clothes

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I don't care if it's still 91+ degrees out where I live. It's time to bust out the autumn clothes already. The burgundy sweaters and boots are getting worn, regardless of how much I'm sweating.

6Apple Season

Pumpkins get all the love this time of year, but don't forget about apple season. A fresh honeycrisp apple is one of the greatest delicacies in the world. (Sorry not sorry, red delicious).

7Feeling *Balanced*

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Because September 23 signifies the start of Libra season, it's the perfect time to feel balanced, according to Astrology Zodiac Signs. This air sign is all about peace and harmony, so prepare to get your chill on. Plus, the solstice itself, in which the night and day are equal length, can add to this feeling of equity.

8Falling Temperatures

For most of the world, autumn and cool weather are well on their way now. After a muggy summer, it's so refreshing to enjoy that crisp, cool air.

9Halloween Prep Gets Real

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Sure, the actual holiday is still over a month away. But now that it's officially fall, Halloween prep time is in full swing. When all the candy and spooky costumes arrive in stores, then you know the best time of the year is definitely here.