
Amy Schumer's Pregnancy 'Takeaway' Is Something All Moms Should Hear
It's difficult to truly grasp what pregnancy and childbirth are like — unless you've experienced them for yourself. Even so, every pregnancy can be wildly different from the last. Once someone goes through this life-changing process, she totally "gets it": Women are warriors. Because spoiler alert: growing human beings is no walk in the park. And Amy Schumer's pregnancy "takeaway" is something all moms should hear.
As you probably heard, actress and comedian Amy Schumer recently welcomed her first child with husband Chris Fischer. Schumer delivered a baby boy they named Gene Attell on May 5 according to ET Online. Throughout her pregnancy — which was first revealed in October, according to Today — the Growing comedian remained open about her struggle with hyperemsis gravidarum. (It's a severe form of pregnancy-related nausea and vomiting.) Her experience was wrought by all-day nausea and vomiting, and sometimes even required IV fluids and hospitalization.
Now that she's delivered her son and made it to the other side of the misery that is HG, Schumer took a moment to reflect on her journey via Instagram. And honestly, it deserves a standing ovation.
The new mama took to IG on Saturday, May 11 to share a photo of herself and her newborn son, along with a thoughtful and empowering message. "Ok here’s my post baby annoying post and my takeaway from pregnancy. Women are the sh*t," Schumer wrote. "Men are cool and whatever but women are f*cking warriors and capable of anything."
Yass, queen!
Schumer went on to give shoutouts to the doctors and nurses who helped her through her pregnancy and delivery — and revealed that she had a doula, as well. She also confirmed that she's no longer suffering from the severe nausea and vomiting caused by her HG. "I threw up violently and felt sick mostly every day of my pregnancy. Hyperemesis is real and it’s awful," Schumer wrote. "But f*ck, what they say is true. The second you give birth it’s gone."
As she has done in several pregnancy- and birth-related Instagram posts, Schumer used her platform to raise awareness for a worthy cause: Every Mother Counts. "I learned that globally 1 in 5 births take place without the assistance of a skilled birth attendant," she shared. The new mom pointed out that $250 equips a midwife with a bag of medical equipment need to provide care to hundreds of women and babies in Guatemala.
Finally, Schumer thanked her friends for helping her through her complicated pregnancy, ending her post with the fitting hashtags #titsleaking and #wearingadiaper.
Friends I’ve had for 30 years or people who encouraged me to “keep going” or telling me “it will be worth it”. Thank you. Every woman I encountered is so willing to help and advise you and I felt all their strength. And you were right. Thank you ladies from my family. Chris, Gene and of course Tatiana.
Unsurprisingly, Schumer's Instagram followers were in love with her empowering message. One person wrote, "Full body chills. you are strong & awesome. congrats & thank you 💜."
Another Instagram user wrote, "You are glowing inside and out! So amazing and precious! Pure love! Happy Mother’s Day! ❤️❤️❤️."
Yet another person chimed in with, "I love this and your hashtags brought me RIGHT back. How about those mesh diaper undie things they give you at the hospital?? And yep to #titsleaking for months to come! Thanks for sharing your story we all need to support from each other! Happy Mother’s Day!"
Have I mentioned that Amy Schumer is one of my all-time favorite moms? Well, she is. (Even though she's only been a mom for like a week.) Her pregnancy takeaway has excellent timing, too, considering it's Mother's Day weekend. Because every mom deserves to be reminded how much of a "f*cking warrior" she is. On Mother's Day and every day.