
Courtesy of Uyen Carlson

As A Mom Of 4, I've Learned Some Things Never Change

by Uyen Carlson
Originally Published: 

Having children is such a unique and precious time. Especially as a newly minted mom of four, I can tell you that each of my baby's stories is so special and that they've each had such drastically different impacts on who I am as their mom.

With my oldest, Crew, I remember just being so excited to be a mom. As all new moms can relate to, I had no idea what to expect during my pregnancy. I was scared, but he was such an easy pregnancy and he made the beginning of my journey into motherhood feel so natural. The first time he was placed in my arms, I felt those maternal instincts kick in and I had an overwhelming sense of everything just coming together. Then later on when I found out I was pregnant with my second child, Ella, I began experiencing the emotional growing pains of motherhood.

What would the dynamic be like between her and her brother? What if I wasn't able to balance my time between both of them? Just the idea of adding a new baby to our lives felt like a massive change. Truthfully, going from having one to two children didn't just weigh on me as a mom, but it also weighed heavy on my marriage. Everything ultimately wound up being OK, but my husband and I had to put a lot of work into this transition.

Courtesy of Uyen Carlson

Our third child, Beau (that's him pictured above!), was a different kind of transition. By the time he arrived right on his due date, Ella was already 5 years old and I found myself focusing on how much my big kids had changed. Holding my little Beau, I realized how growing through each journey has taught me that the venues in which you create your most special memories are always the same — just with different beginnings.

Even though my life has changed in a major way with the birth of each child, the simple moments like diaper changes with trusted Pampers Swaddlers have been a part of every one of my kiddos. I've used Pampers with each of my children, and I love the nostalgia it brings when I hold the diapers in my hands and am taken back to the memories of each of my babies in them — first cuddled in blankets as newborns, then crawling, then finally seeing their adorable diapered bottom take their first steps.

Our newest addition, Hayes, just arrived unexpectedly at 34 weeks while we were on a family vacation. Given the hospital rules surrounding the pandemic, his birth was so different from my other three. (Among other differences, my husband wasn't allowed in the room as I delivered Beau.) But despite the major differences in his arrival, I'm still experiencing some of those same feelings of new motherhood. Yet again, I feel my heart expanding with love for my new baby. I feel the same natural maternal instincts kicking in all over again. While I was initially worried that I would forget little things like nap time schedules and feeding routines, so far it's been just like riding a bike. I’m so thankful for each one of these experiences. They're so empowering and the growth they're provided me as a mother has been invaluable.

The bond with each child can be different, but the base always stays the same — and that's special.

To my fellow new mamas, I want you to know that despite your fears of new motherhood — no matter if it's your first or your fourth — your motherly love doesn't change. Even with all the advice, you will end up doing your own thing and trusting yourself and the choices you make for your family. The bond with each child can be different, but the base always stays the same — and that's special.

This post is sponsored by Pampers Swaddlers.

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