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Turns Out, Baby’s Insomnia Could Come From Mom

by Leah Carton

Some nights you may find that you and your baby aren't able to sleep; either you can't fall asleep or you're tossing and turning for hours till you finally get to dream land. If this is only an occasional occurrence, then you may have nothing to worry about. But if you suffer from insomnia, then you may wonder "Can my baby inherit my insomnia?"

It turns out, it's possible. A twin study conducted by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine revealed that genetic factors could contribute to insomnia. A summary of the study on Science Daily explained: "A new study of twins suggests that insomnia in adults is partially explained by genetic factors, and this heritability is higher in females than in males." Additionally, Science Daily noted that the twin study was the first to examine the genetic and environmental influences on insomnia in adults.

Now that you know that insomnia could be lingering in your genes, what warning signs should you be looking out for ? According to the Mayo Clinic, if you're concerned about your and your baby's sleeping patterns (or lack thereof) there are symptoms of insomnia that you can be aware of. The Mayo Clinic also noted that insomnia symptoms may include stress, changing work schedules, and an irregular bedtime. These symptoms will make it easier to pinpoint what's up with your family's sleeping habits.

It's important to remember, however, that your baby's sleeping habits will be far different from your own. Parents highlighted a baby daily sleep chart to help you realize your baby needs far more sleep than you do (although, you definitely deserve an endless amount of sleep).

The Parents sleep chart further explained that newborns to babies 4 months old need 16 to 18 hours of sleep, 4 to 12-month-old babies need 12 to 16 hours, and babies 1 to 2 years old need 11 to 14 hours of sleep per day.

Don't worry though, as there are some simple steps you can to take to ensure a better night's sleep for both you and baby. According to Web MD, you should try to regulate your baby's sleep schedule with certain activities — try to set a routine, especially the closer it gets to baby's bedtime. Some of these activities include playing active games during the day and quieter ones at night, bathing your baby before bedtime to help calm her down, and having consistent light and noise conditions in your baby's bedroom.

Better understanding the symptoms and reality of insomnia can help to soon alleviate you and your baby's sleep condition.