
How Tea Bags Can Help With Nipple Pain

by Lindsay E. Mack

Being a mom often means you improvise. For instance, you may find yourself in a situation with super sore nips and no breast soothers available. In this case, you may have to get a bit crafty with the supplies on hand. So, you may have wondered can tea bags help with nipple pain? Sometimes motherhood is the motherhood of invention.

It turns out, tea bags can be a fantastic thing for easing nipple pain. In fact, a study in the Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, & Neonatal Nursing found tea bag compresses served as an effective treatment for nipples sore from breastfeeding. Granted, it may be that any sort of warm water applied to the area could offer relief. But tea bags in particular are readily available, inexpensive, and easy to use. Even if you're stuck at the office or a hotel room, you can probably score a few tea sachets without much fuss.

What's the best way to use tea bags for this purpose? In general, you should soak the tea bags in warm water and apply them to the nipple area for five to ten minutes, according to The Health Site. Opting for a mild variety of tea, or even a tisane such as chamomile, is a smart move if you're prone to skin sensitivities. You might even experiment with using cool water on the tea bags if that is more soothing to you. Use whatever works.

If the tea bags aren't quite doing the trick, then there are some steps you can take to prevent sore nipples from breastfeeding. According to the Baby Center, common causes of nipple discomfort include incorrect use of a breast pump, a thrush infection, or even your baby's shallow latch. Oh, and blisters on your nipples are another possibility. In these cases, a visit with your midwife or physician may help you and your baby make a more comfortable connection.

Breastfeeding may be natural, but it is not easy for all moms. Remember that you have many options to soothe soreness during this time, and do whatever is necessary to feel better. One day, your baby will be weaned and your tea bags can go back to their original purpose.