
Can You Have Sex In the First Trimester Of Pregnancy? Here’s How Moms-To-Be Can Safely Get It On

by Britni de la Cretaz

Congrats, you’re pregnant! But…now what? During the beginning of a pregnancy, things might not look all that different but you know everything is about to change. A quick Google search will bring up all the things you should avoid during the next nine months— raw fish, soft cheese, shots of tequila, to name a few. But what about the dirty deed that got you pregnant in the first place. Specifically, can you have sex during your first trimester before the bump gets in the way?

When I first found out I was pregnant, I was incredibly excited. But that excitement quickly transformed into pregnancy fears. I worried that sex could shake the embryo loose, an orgasm might hurt it, or a vibrator would remove it from the wall of my uterus. Because I wasn’t showing yet, I had no way of knowing if the pregnancy was “still going,” so I constantly worried that any sexual act would end my pregnancy. And as a first time mom-to-be, those fears were normal.

You have so much to worry about when you’re pregnant, and sex doesn’t have to be added to the list. Particularly in the beginning of pregnancy, before that pesky bump makes your favorite positions a literal pain, you may find that sex is something that you still really want to be able to enjoy. So before you swear of sex for the next nine months, make sure you have all the details about having sex while pregnant.

Can You Have Sex In Your First Trimester?

According to Leah Torres, an OB-GYN who specializes in reproductive health, sex during the first trimester is, “perfectly safe,” provided your pregnancy is progressing normally. Why? Because your body is an amazing shield that keeps your future chidl safe. Torres explains that your developing baby is inside your uterus, which is protected from penetration and infection by your cervix. Your amneotic sac and mucus plug add even more protection, according to Huffington Post, ensuring that your baby is safe inside your womb.

Of course, it doesn’t hurt to double check with your doctor. But since most complications that would require you to avoid sex wouldn’t be diagnosed until after the first trimester, consider yourself good to go in the bedroom.

Will You Want To Have Sex In Your First Trimester?

Although you may be physically safe to get it on with your partner, you may not feel up to getting frisky. Within the first trimester, Parenting notes that your pregnancy symptoms include nausea and vomiting, fatigue, headaches, and mood swings — things that might make sex super unappealing to some people. That being said, the hormone changes can increase blood flow to your vagina, making some moms-to-be super horny in the beginning.

For me personally, there was nothing I wanted less during my first trimester of pregnancy than sex. I fell asleep at my desk during the day and would pass out at 5 p.m. I vomited so violently, all day every day, that I thought I was Linda Blair.

It’s important to listen to your body and take care of it all the time, but particularly when you’re growing another human life inside of it. If you’re partnered, communication is key. Whether you’re feeling completely turned off or totally turned on, talking to your partner about how you’re feeling is important. If you’re not feeling up to sex, finding other ways to connect physically with partners can be really comforting for both of you. Try foot or back rubs, or taking a relaxing bath together. You may find that, while you still crave physical intimacy with your honey, the nature of that intimacy could change.