
Raven from Big Brother 19 with space buns and white bows in her hair
Bill Inoshita/CBS

Raven's Dance Classes Come With A Few Requirements, 'BB19' Fans

by Allison Picurro

On Big Brother 19, Raven very quickly aligned herself as one half of a showmance with fellow houseguest Matt, but that definitely isn't all she is. As viewers may already know, Raven is an instructor at the dance studio she owns, and a pretty experienced one at that. It would definitely be an experience to learn a few moves from a favorite houseguest, so can you take dance classes from BB19's Raven? Well, yes and no.

Taking a dance class from Raven has a few requirements: you must be (or know) a child and you should probably be located near Arkansas, just for your own convenience. Raven owns and teaches classes at Spotlight Dancers School/Dance Studio in Brinkley, AR, where she offers lessons in tap, jazz, ballet, pointe, contemporary and lyrical to children aged three and up. Per the school's Facebook page, any child who wants to attend classes "must be potty trained and be well mannered." For anyone who meets those requirements and is interested, the studio seems to be easiest to contact through Facebook. Obviously, Raven is currently in the Big Brother house so she won't be able to teach your kid to dance like a pro for a little while, but if you want to get a head start and begin planning, now's your chance!

What Big Brother fans may not figure out from just watching her in the house this summer is that Raven is a pretty impressive dancer, with award wins under her belt and 19 years of experience.

Raven's bubbly personality is undoubtedly part of what makes her great at working with kids on a daily basis, meaning she's not only a physically strong person, but a mentally strong one as well. She revealed before she came into the house that her personal mantra is also the reason behind her frequently used hashtag, #PacerPower.

Turns out Raven suffers from a stomach disease called Gastroparesis and has a pacemaker in her stomach, something that she has openly discussed with the other houseguests. "It works great; I'm able to eat chips and all that stuff," Raven said in her pre-game interview with Jeff Schroeder. "It gave me a second chance at life. It's my second heart. I'm very thankful. That's why I'm such a happy person. I love life!"

It makes sense that someone as outgoing as Raven might be excited to get into a showmance, and only time can tell if her relationships in the house have a positive or negative impact on her strategy for the rest of the game.