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Moms Everywhere Will Relate To Carrie Underwood's Latest Pregnancy Struggle

by Azure Hall

Every time I complained of trouble sleeping while pregnant, friends and family were quick to tell me that I "hadn't seen anything yet." And while my sleep certainly didn't improve after my baby got here, I don't miss those nights spent wide awake and pregnant. And, honestly, Carrie Underwood's tweet about this pregnancy struggle will ring true to any mom who suffered from pregnancy insomnia.

Underwood, who is expecting another little boy with husband Mike Fisher — reportedly in January 2019, according to Country Living — has been somewhat candid about her pregnancy journey so far. After announcing on Instagram back in August that her family is growing by one, Underwood has been sharing details of her experience with her many fans. Most recently, she tweeted about her lack of sleep, as well as her husband's apparent abundance of it.

"Dear pregnancy insomnia," she wrote. "Please go bother someone else...like dads." Underwood and Fisher already have one child together, Isaiah Michael Fisher, who is 3. Toddlers are notoriously exhausting, so it's no surprise that mom and dad are pooped. And the growing little human in Underwood's belly certainly isn't doing anything to help his mom catch some zzz's.

"Go bother dads. My husband sleeps so soundly and peacefully and I’ve been awake for 2 hours (so far). How is this fair? Imma lose my mind!" she tweeted.

While it is likely little comfort to the sleepy mama, she isn't alone in her plight. Eileen Sloan, a psychiatrist at the Toronto Sleep Institute at Mount Sinai Hospital, told Today's Parent that "up to 80 percent of pregnant women experience pregnancy insomnia." Insomnia can strike at any point during pregnancy, unfortunately. During early pregnancy, various aches and pains can keep you up, as well as the need to head to the bathroom again and again, as Health Line reported. And later in pregnancy, finding a comfortable position is nearly impossible — no matter how many fancy pregnancy pillows you have in your bed.

Fortunately, there are a few steps that expectant mothers can take to make falling asleep while pregnant a little bit easier. First, Sloan recommended to Today's Parent that pregnant women stay up later than they normally would. “The physiological pressure to fall asleep is stronger,” she said, explaining that, in time, you will form a cognitive connection between climbing in bed and falling asleep. Instead of lying in bed restless, hangout on the couch doing something relaxing, like reading or meditating.

Additionally, What To Expect suggested that you resist the urge to count the hours of sleep that you are — or aren't — getting. "Though most people do best on about eight hours of sleep, some do fine on less and some need more," the site explained. "So instead of aiming for a particular number, ask yourself how you're feeling on the hours you're sleeping during pregnancy. If you're not chronically tired, you may be getting enough rest.

But feeling tired isn't the hardest part of pregnancy insomnia for Underwood. No, that award goes to her online shopping habit and the whopping charges on her credit card the next morning. Hopefully she's buying some diapers during those shopping sprees.

One thing that she doesn't appear to be buying is a wardrobe full of maternity clothes. No, she's sticking to what is on hand. "Officially wearing Mike’s clothes in public now, so… #pregnant #MyClothesDontFit #sorrybabe,” she tweeted out in November, according to Entertainment Tonight. I have a feeling that her husband doesn't mind sharing, though.

The preparation for baby is in full swing. A source close to the family reportedly told People that they are staying put in Leiper’s Fork, a rural suburb of Nashville, Tennessee. “Carrie is on lockdown until the baby [is born],” the source said. “They’re fully moved into the Leiper’s Fork house and have the hospital route mapped out.”

Even if Underwood isn't getting any actual sleep, it does sound like she's at least comfortable and resting. It's not long until she'll have a whole new kind of insomnia to keep her awake at all hours of the night.

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