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Hillary Clinton's Powerful Response To Manchester Bombing

by Korey Lane

Monday was a dark day for the world, as a terrorist attack at an arena in Machester, England left at least 22 dead and wounded 59. Fans had been in attendance at an Ariana Grande concert at the time of the suicide blast. As the world looks on, politicians across the globe are responding to the tragedy in various ways, and now, Hillary Clinton has responded to the Manchester bombing — and her words speak volumes.

In a tweet shared Tuesday afternoon, Clinton expressed the horror she feels regarding the attack in England. “Outraged & angry about this cowardly terror attack on a crowd of young people,” she wrote. “Sending sympathy & strength to victims & people of Manchester.”

Truly, the explosion at the Manchester Arena Monday night is that of cowardice, and a complete disregard for human life. The attack has now officially been claimed by the Islamic State (though those claims are a bit dubious), and is the largest terror attack to take place in Great Britain since 2005. Victims are beginning to be identified, some as young as 8 years old; Many were young women and girls, all out trying to have a fun time, when tragedy struck and innocent lives were tragically taken. And as experts work to uncover more about this latest act of violence, Clinton's statement is an important reminder that, truly, we are stronger together.

Monday evening, reports began flooding in about an "explosion" heard near the venue where Grande was performing, with witnesses describing loud bangs; Hundreds of concertgoers began running out into the street for safety. And while many are taking to Twitter to spread information on how people can help the victims, there are also many out there who are taking this opportunity to spread even more hate.

But that's where Clinton comes in.

Because when politicians use their social media platforms to educate, engage, and spread positivity, the world is a better place. Clinton's tweet not only calls out the terrorists for what they truly are — cowards — but also recognizes that raw emotions are completely okay at times like these. Feeling outraged, angry, sad, or helpless because of this terrorist attack are all examples of empathy, and the world really needs more of that right now.

Clinton and the thousands of others who have responded to the Manchester bombings with love and sympathy are doing their best to cope with the situation. And as more victims are identified, and more facts about the explosion are uncovered, it's important to follow Clinton's example, and respond with grace and compassion. Be angry, let yourself feel outrage, but know that you should never feel the need to justify your emotions when such atrocities happen. The world is dark right now, but when we all come together, we can let the light in — it just might take some time.