
Courtesy of Sarah Bunton

Here's How Many Naps A 3 Year Old Needs

by Sarah Bunton

As the mother of a particularly spirited and sassy 3-year-old boy, I know firsthand how intense nap time negotiations (and standoffs) can get. The sleep struggle is, indeed, real. If you're the parent of a threenager — a 3-year-old with the attitude of a teenager — just getting them to chill in their room for a bit counts as a major parenting win. But does all that back and forth mean your child has outgrown their midday snooze sessions? Wishing that children came with an instruction manual, I've wondered, too, how often should 3 year olds nap? Is there such a thing as too little or too much sleep for them?

Despite being a parent for three years now, I feel just as clueless as the day I brought my little one home. With so much information out there and no shortage of people willing to give you their advice — solicited or otherwise — are there any universal guidelines when it comes to your tyke's sleeping habits? According to Baby Center, an average 3 year old naps once a day, ranging from one to three hours long. It's important to remember that every child is different and plenty of factors — like an extraordinarily busy day, a late bedtime, and growth spurts — can affect how long and frequent their daytime sleep schedule is.

But for some children, as they make the transition from toddler to "big kid," their need for naps can completely vanish. And that's not necessarily a bad thing. As pediatrician Dr. William Sears told Parenting, "by 3 to 4 years of age, they will drop the afternoon siesta altogether." If you're anything like me, this may be a bummer since nap time is typically my small window for trying to get things done. But on the plus side, no naps could mean an earlier bedtime and sleeping through the night for your child.

So how will you know if your kiddo is ready to ditch nap time or if they're just being stubborn? According to the Baby Sleep Site, signs your child has outgrown naps can include taking a long time to fall asleep at both nap and bed time, and when they don't nap, there aren't any negative side effects like crankiness or feeling groggy. But, again, these are guidelines and you're the one who knows your child best. Find what works for you and your little one and don't hesitate to reach out to a healthcare professional if their sleep habits concern you.