
When It Comes To Seasonal Allergies, Babies Apparently Have The Upper Hand

by Lindsay E. Mack

Spring has (almost) sprung for many parts of the world, with blooming flowers and longer days signaling the turn of season. Although the change may be so routine it's unremarkable for adults, babies have a totally different perspective. Knowing how the first day of spring will affect your baby is pretty interesting, because seasonal changes are still very new for your little one. Babies may be able to enjoy springtime weather in a way adults can only imagine.

For starters, the longer hours of sunlight can mean big activity changes for your little one. It's only natural to spend more time outside in the warmer springtime weather with your kid, especially after being cooped up all winter long. Sun safety is especially important for babies, however. Their skin is so delicate. That said, as long as you avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, and dress your baby in lightweight long sleeves, hats, and sunglasses, a sunny day in the park should be fine, as explained by Pregnancy and Baby. Plus, isn't your baby super-cute with sunglasses anyway?

And of course, it's impossible to talk about springtime without mentioning allergies. Sure, blooming plants make everything beautiful, but their scattering pollen wrecks havoc many an adult. Your infant, however, will most likely not suffer from the same effects. "Conventional medical wisdom says babies over a year old can have allergies," said pediatrician Jack Maypole in The Bump. "You have to see some seasons before you have symptoms of seasonal allergies!" As long as your little one is under about the year mark, then pollen is likely no big deal. The ability to enjoy a fresh spring day without watery eyes and a stuffed nose sounds amazing, right? This is one area in which infants have an enviable advantage.

In addition, the spring equinox, which falls on March 20 of this year, may affect your baby's sleep schedule a little bit. As a quick refresher, the spring equinox is the day when the hours of daylight and darkness are almost equal, as noted on Time and Date. Unlike the long nights of wintertime, this day of the year is almost perfectly balanced light-wise. The extra sunlight will (hopefully!) help your baby stay more awake during the day and differentiate the difference between a nap and going to bed for the night, but not overstimulate the little one when it's actually bedtime, as noted by Baby Sleep Site. As with everything else baby-related though, your experiences will vary.

However, there is evidence that sticking to a schedule of 12-hour days and nights may have lifelong effects — well, at least in mice. There is some evidence that baby mice who grow up with equal hours of darkness and light tend to have relatively stable and moderate biological clocks, according to a Vanderbilt study. "The mice raised in the winter cycle show an exaggerated response to a change in season that is strikingly similar to that of human patients suffering from seasonal affective disorder,” said Professor of Biological Sciences Douglas McMahon in response to the study. Maybe future studies will show similar results for (human) babies who get equal amounts of light and darkness during the course of a day.

For many people, the spring equinox also has astrological and spiritual significance. If this sort of thing is right up your alley, then you'll want to know how the equinox spiritually affects your baby as well. The spring equinox is connected to Eostre, the Goddess of the Dawn, who is associated with fertility, creation, and new babies, according to the website for Natalia Kuna. Sounds lovely, right? It's basically the perfect time of year to celebrate your little baby and all her growing potential.

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