
How To Get Your Partner More Involved In Baby's Sleep Routine

by Olivia Youngs

Bedtime is simultaneously the best and worst part of the day. On the one hand, it means that you'll inevitably get some peace and quiet. On the other hand, for some families, the actual "getting your kids to bed" part of bedtime is easier said than done. Although it's crucial for kids to have a predictable and calming bedtime routine, it can be almost impossible to handle on your own, especially if you have multiple kids or a child who particularly hates sleeping. If that's the case, you're probably wondering how to get your partner more involved in baby's sleep routine, because, honestly, bedtime shouldn't be left up to just one parent.

Enlisting the help of your partner will not only alleviate your own stress but will create stronger bonds between your kids and partner, both huge benefits. According to Sleep Junkies, dads are the key to a better night's sleep for everyone in your family and before you shake your head in dismay, read on. Each of these tips will take stress off of you and help your partner feel more involved.

Most importantly, communication between the two of you is key. If you're feeling the weight of bearing the majority of the bedtime load, speak up. Chances are your partner had no idea because of how seamlessly you pull the whole thing off night after night.


Fill Them In

If you're not on the same page, it will be impossible to both be involved. Communicate your ideas for bedtime and allow your partner to do the same, that way, you can include things that are important to both of you and get the job done together.


Take Your Own "Duty"

Maybe bathtime is dad's "job" and storytime is for you, or any other combination of tasks. Making sure you're not taking over everything and are leaving room for them to be involved is important.


Take Turns

For some families, rotating bedtime duties works well. For example, let your partner lay the baby down one day, while you do bath time with the toddler, then switch the next night.


Give Them The Night Shift

If your kid still wakes up during the night, take turns feeding or calming them. You'll both get more sleep that way and your baby will be able to fall asleep with either of you, instead of latching to only one parent.


Provide A Confidence Boost

Sometimes your partner may be hesitant to get involved because you simply seem to have it under control. Making room for them and then telling them how much you appreciate their help will encourage them to keep at it.


Keep It Consistent

Consistency isn't just good for your kids. Keeping things the same (or relatively the same) each night will help the two of you seamlessly work together when the clock strikes bedtime.


Help With Breaking Sleep Associations

If you're breastfeeding or just the one to normally put your baby to bed, your child most likely associates you with falling asleep. Allowing your partner to step in during bedtime will help them fall asleep without you there.