

How To Know If Your Baby Is Breech, Because It's Something Moms May Worry About

by Olivia Youngs

Pregnancy comes with a whole new world of uncertainties. And as your due date approaches, those fears naturally increase. Whether you have a history of breech babies in you or your family's past or not, the thought of your baby facing the wrong direction has probably crossed your mind. If you aren't sure which way your baby is facing, you may be wondering how to know if your baby is breech or not, if only to put your mind at ease.

Although only around four perfect of full term pregnancies are breech, according to Fit Pregnancy, it's a fear all moms face at some point. Baby Center's definition for breech simply says that, instead of facing head down in your uterus (the ideal position for delivery), your baby is facing feet or bottom down, with his head up. Although there are certainly complications that can occur during a breech delivery — which is why most are delivered via C-section, according to the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, most breech babies are born healthy and aren't considered high risk.

More often than not, the best way to tell if your baby is breech is to see your doctor. During your routine check-ups, your OB will immediately be able to tell which way your baby is facing simply by feeling baby's position with their hands, Family Doctor says. If you're past 30 weeks due, the time when New Kids Center noted that most babies settle head down for delivery, and your baby is in a breech position, that may not be your baby's final position. It's normal for babies to move around even into the hours before going into labor.


If you don't want to wait till your next doctor appointment to find out your baby's position, it can be fairly difficult to tell which way your baby is facing. But according to CVS, if you're feeling strong kicks low in your abdomen, it may mean your baby's feet are facing down. Similarly, if you feel hiccups higher up, their head may be up. Though this method should never take the place of a medical examination and, as always, if you suspect your baby is breech, schedule an extra check-up with your OB, just to put your mind at ease.