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How To Take Care Of Your Baby's Newborn Skin

by Leah Carton

You've likely heard the saying "soft as a baby's bottom," and there's a reason for that phrase. A baby's skin is truly unique and different from that of its mother. As a result, you may run into some problems when caring for your little one's, including struggles to retain moisture. You need to know how to take care of a newborn's skin because it's delicate.

In an effort to help parents navigate the confusing world of baby skin care, Romper recently spoke to David Mays, Senior Director of Global Scientific Engagement at Johnson & Johnson Consumer, Inc. In his role, Mays reaffirms Johnson's brand scientific expertise for baby skin care needs.

Though Mays has many tips for proper baby skin care, he emphasizes the importance of finding the right products. Because, as he explains, just because you see the word baby on the label doesn't mean it's best for your little one. "You should be looking to see how the companies actually communicate," Mays says. "What they do to make sure that the products that they're offering are actually safe, mild, gentle, and appropriate." According to Parents, the best skincare products for baby's skin are ones that are labeled antibacterial free, since those are the ones that are most gentle for baby's skin.

In addition to your baby's products, Mays suggests you be aware of their environment. If your house is warm because of cold weather outside, your baby's skin will dry out faster; if your house is cool because of warm weather outside, you may apply moisturizer more generously. The temperature of your baby's environment plays a role in how you care for their skin and how their skin will transform as they grow.


Once you have their products and environment situated, the next step is to create a proper skincare routine. Healthy Children recommended to bathe your baby three times a week during her first year. The site further noted that patting her dry and applying a moisturizing lotion will help to prevent dry skin. Keeping your baby's skin moisturized is key when it comes to baby's skin because, as Mays says, every child experiences dry skin. To combat the dry skin, Mays suggests massaging your baby with an oil or lotion regularly to protect their skin and prevent any dryness.

But taking care of baby's skin isn't just about products and routines. Mays says you should assess every inch of her skin to look for baby skin problem cues. Practicing the baby bathing habits that are suitable for your family, and knowing how to effectively keep your baby's skin moisturized will keep your baby comfortable and happy during any time of the year.