Growing up in Florida, I never dealt with seasons. So when I moved to Tennessee, I was excited to experience something other than heat and humidity. As my first Nashville spring rolled around, I was in awe of two things: the vibrant trees and flowers everywhere, and the non-stop sniffling and sneezing of my 2-year-old son. I wasn't sure how to tell if my kid is allergic to pollen or if he was coming down with a cold. I wanted to do everything I could to keep my little guy from enduring the pricks and pokes of needles at the doctor's office, but also knew I needed to discover what was causing his symptoms.
If you've ever wondered about the chances of pollen affecting your child, it's likely you can connect the dots to get a clear answer. For instance, seasonal allergies are very hereditary, so if you or your child's other parent are allergic to pollen, it's likely your little one will have the allergy as well, according to Baby Center. But having a parent who's allergic to pollen is just one indicator than this common allergen is causing trouble in your child's airway, you'll need to look for a few other signs to be sure.
During the times of the year when pollen counts are high, your child will show you some distinct reactions that indicate an allergy. Look for sneezing, coughing, a nose running clear, puffy or watery eyes, and complaints of an itchy throat, according to Parents magazine. If these symptoms worsen when outdoors or on days when the pollen count increases, you're child's body is telling you that they are 3allergic.
To keep your kiddo comfortable when allergies hit, try taking steps to reduce their symptoms. As Kids Health from Nemours recommended, you should keep windows closed, and have your child change their clothes and wash their hands after playing outside to keep allergic reactions to pollen under control. However, if your child's symptoms are strong and persistent, you may want to talk to your pediatrician about possible allergy medications that are safe for children.
As Healthline explained, "pollen is one of the most common causes of allergies in the United States," so there is no need to be alarmed if you feel your child has this allergy. Once you know they have a reaction to pollen, you can use prevention and preparation to keep her as comfortable as possible until the season changes.