

What Experts Want You To Know About Not Having Morning Sickness

by Mishal Ali Zafar

As awesome as pregnancy is, there are some really sucky aspects of it that no woman wants to deal with it. Morning sickness is probably at the top of the list for most pregnant moms, but unfortunately it’s also one of the most common pregnancy symptoms women face. So common, in fact, that pregnant women who haven’t felt that awful nausea and dizziness may be concerned. Is it bad if you don’t have morning sickness while pregnant?

While morning sickness is a normal part of early pregnancy, it’s not really a bad thing if you don’t get it. Romper spoke with Dr. Adrienne D. Zertuche, an OB-GYN with Atlanta Women's Healthcare, who says that “over 90 percent of pregnant women experience some degree of nausea at some point during their pregnancy, but if a woman has had an ultrasound confirming a normal pregnancy and does not experience these symptoms, it does not necessarily mean that something is wrong.”

In fact, morning sickness shouldn’t be used as a standard to indicate a healthy or unhealthy pregnancy. Dr. Yen Tran, OB-GYN at Orange Coast Memorial Medical Center, tells Romper that many of her pregnant patients who do not suffer from morning sickness end up with normal pregnancies and deliver healthy babies. “It's better to rely on progesterone level, ultrasound findings, and other lab values to predict the outcomes of pregnancy than morning sickness," she explains.

As long as your doctor is monitoring your pregnancy, and sees no complications, a lack of morning sickness is OK. Zertuche suggests that you continue attending follow-up visits as scheduled by your obstetrician. “As long as the baby's heart is beating well and the baby is continuing to grow at each visit, reassurance is all that is needed.”

If you aren’t experiencing nausea during pregnancy, you’re not alone. According to Parents, plenty of pregnant women skip out on morning sickness altogether, but it can vary even in the same mom from one pregnancy to the next. The article further noted that even if you haven’t experienced morning sickness in the first trimester, there’s still a chance you may get it later on in your pregnancy.

If you have a healthy, normal pregnancy and are fortunate enough to have bypassed morning sickness, you should relax and celebrate. You were dealt a good hand, so enjoy those nausea-free days. (And try not to brag too much.)