Why Girl On Top Should Be Your Go-To For Postpartum Sex
Sex after birth is a tough topic to approach with an all-encompassing outlook. Because so many women have unique experiences, births, and postpartum feelings, there's not a "one size fits all" guide for becoming intimate again. Although the general rule is that it's safe to resume sex after six weeks, there may be questions or stipulations that come with that. One of many concerns that come up is sex positions, and "is it safe to do girl on top six weeks after giving birth" may be one of the first questions that comes to mind.
According to Baby Center, it might be a good idea to experiment with different positions where you can control the depth of penetration. One of them being girl on top, which gives you more control over depth and speed. Being in control allows you to make changes based on your comfortability. It is safe if you feel you're physically comfortable to ease back into sex, and you've gotten the OK from your doctor.
It's most important, however, to think about how you're feeling before considering penetration at all, regardless of position. The aforementioned Baby Center article also shared that it's a good idea to consider manual or oral stimulation around the clitoris before jumping back into sex, especially if you're not feeling 100 percent. In becoming intimate again, if you're still sore, ask your partner to avoid the vagina or any other area that's uncomfortable. Although many women are given the option to have sex again at six weeks, most will need more time than that, according to Women's Health. And when you are ready to have sex again, it's perfectly OK to explore girl on top as a safe and more controllable sex position postpartum.