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Is Walmart Open On New Year's? There's No Reason To Change Your Plans

by Caroline Hogeveen

For some people, New Year's Day is about sleeping in, eating greasy food, and nursing a hangover. For others, it's about waking up on a mission, ready to kick off the new year and conquer new goals. And then there are those – I'm mostly lookin' at you, parents – who see it as a glorious opportunity to run errands and get things done. If the super center is your one-stop shop, you're probably wondering if Walmart is open on New Year's Day. With so many stores closed on the holiday, it's hard to check things off your to-do list.

Fortunately for parents eager to make the most of their free day, Walmart is indeed open on New Year's. In fact, most stores are keeping their exact same hours (including those 24-hour super centers). However, that's not the case for all locations, and I'd always recommend calling your local Walmart before heading over. Some stores will open late or close early, and it'd be a major pain to drive up to a locked store.

If you find yourself scrambling to get all your neglected chores done on January 1, you're not the only one. Personally, I'm flabbergasted that anyone manages to be productive between Christmas and New Year's. I'm sleepy, I'm in a food coma for a good 78 percent of my day, and all I want to do is celebrate the season with my family and friends. I hardly know what day it is (I can't be the only one), and the most productive thing I do is change from my day time pajamas to my night time pajamas. When New Year's Day rolls around, my to-do list is typically untouched and absolutely taunting me.

Considering many grocery stores are closed on the federal holiday, Walmart will be your savior if you didn't have a chance to get your grocery shopping done during the last week of 2018. And if you're planning on hosting a New Year's Day meal and inevitably forgot some crucial piece of the puzzle — or if you're a procrastinator and left all your food shopping until the day of — Walmart has everything (and that's basically a scientific fact).

If you don't have New Year's Day plans or any pressing, time-sensitive tasks, you still may want to visit Walmart. Get started on your New Year's resolutions while the year is still very fresh, and set yourself up for success with the mega retailer's help. Training for a 2019 half marathon? Walmart's got all the running gear, water bottles, foam rollers, and ice packs you could possibly need. Hoping to declutter and get organized? You'll find some affordable cubbies, bins, hangers, and organizers for all your tidying up needs. Even if all you need is something to distract your kids so that you actually can get things done this year, you know the store's got plenty of options.

Regardless of what you need on New Year's day – emergency groceries, New Year's goals, maybe just a reason to leave the house – Walmart's got you covered.

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