Is "Wolf Blitzer" His Real Name? Like, Really?
Wolf Blitzer, who has been a news anchor and journalist for CNN for over two and a half decades now, hosts The Situation Room on CNN and will be hosting the GOP debate on Dec. 15. As we prepare for another debate, questions have been popping up, such as: How will Trump deal with questions about his proposed ban on Muslims? How will the polls look afterwards? But also, Is "Wolf Blitzer" his real name? And if so, can I get one that's equally as badass?
In 2011, Blitzer answered a few fans' questions in a CNN video, and that was actually one of the questions that emerged. The woman who sent the question in said, "Wolf Blitzer? Do people ask you about this name? It always reminds me of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer." Blitzer wasn't phased, and in fact, he said it's the most frequent question he gets (I'm not sure if he should be disappointed, considering he's an esteemed political reporter, or stoked, because his name is awesome).
"The truth is, my real name is Wolf Blitzer," he said. He was lucky enough to be born with the family name Blitzer, and Wolf is his maternal grandfather's name, so it was handed down to him. "I can assure you, my real name is Wolf Blitzer. Didn't make it up."
He's able to have a little fun with his name, too:
The man with the interesting moniker is a natural pick to moderate this GOP debate. Not only has he worked with CNN for a quarter century, but he got his start in journalism with Reuters in international news. He's covered peace treaties, international events, and domestic politics for years now, and since this next debate will likely lean towards terrorism and foreign policy, he's a great fit.
As it turns out, CNN will be streaming the GOP debate completely free of cost — so catch Blitzer and the Republican candidates on Dec. 15 straight off of CNN's website.
Image: Angela Weiss/Getty Images Entertainment