
Jessa Duggar's Pregnancy Timeline Shows Time Flies With Baby #3

by Michelle Stein

Ah, pregnancy. Some moms-to-be breeze right through with hardly any symptoms. Others (like myself) feel nauseated, bloated, and exhausted — with fair amount of heartburn, insomnia, and hemorrhoids, to boot. As a result, those 40 weeks can seem like an eternity. It's mind-blowing how the experience can vary so widely from woman to woman — and even among different pregnancies for the same woman. But as it turns out, Jessa Duggar's pregnancy timeline shows time has flown right by with baby #3.

Counting On fans are probably still reeling from so many Duggar pregnancy announcements within the past month or so. That's because a whopping five of Michelle and Jim Bob's adult children are currently expecting a baby, according to In Touch Weekly. There's: Jessa and Ben Seewald, Joseph and Kendra Duggar, Anna and Josh Duggar, Joy-Anna and Austin Forsyth, and Josiah and Lauren Duggar. However, there was a significant gap between Jessa's pregnancy reveal and the other four couples' announcements. Which means some fans might be shocked to realize that Jessa is actually in the final stretch of her pregnancy already.

In fact, Jessa herself can't believe she's already 38 weeks along. And I have a feeling it has everything to do with the fact that she's busy wrangling her two sons, Spurgeon, 3, and Henry, 2.

Jan. 9: The Pregnancy Annoucement

Happy new year! On Jan. 9, Jessa and Ben revealed they were expecting their third child. They shared a family photo via Instagram and also released a statement. “We are overjoyed that God has blessed us with a baby, due late this Spring!” Jessa told People. “From the day we found out we were expecting, we both guessed boy, and if our predictions are right then we already have a ton the clothing and accessories ready to pass down! At the same time, we would absolutely love it if we found out we were having a girl — though we’ve joked that we’d be starting from square one and might have to learn a few things.”

Jan. 30: The First Ultrasound

Later that month, Jessa decided to share a sonogram of baby number three, which was taken at her first ultrasound for this pregnancy. She also posted a side-by-side comparison of sonograms from all three of her pregnancies. "We were so happy to finally get to see #BabySeewald3!" Jessa captioned the post. "Looks like this little one will have the same nose as the others. 😊 Swipe left to see the side-by-side!"

Feb.21: First Bump Photo At 25 Weeks

At 25 weeks along, Jessa again took to Instagram to share a bump photo, according to The Hollywood Gossip. In doing so, she also acknowledge her sister-in-law's miscarriage. "Pregnancy— such a precious gift, and definitely not something I take for granted," Jessa wrote. "As we look forward to meeting our baby, we’re also feeling an exceptional amount of grief over my brother Josiah and sister-in-law Lauren’s loss of their baby." Jessa went on to share that she and Lauren shared the same due date, and that she has cried many tears for her and her brother's loss. "My heart aches for them. I weep when I think of how difficult it must be for her to see me pregnant in the very stages where she would’ve been— right up through the baby’s due date."

April 5: Lots Of Heartburn At 31 Weeks

On April 4, Jessa posted a mirror selfie on Instagram at 31 weeks along. "Definitely a bit bigger than I was at this point in my pregnancy with Henry (who was born 8lbs 11oz), but smaller than I was with Spurgeon (who was born 9lbs 11oz,)" she wrote. "What can I say— those Duggar genes grow ‘em big. 😂." The expecting mama also mentioned the old wives' tale of heartburn during pregnancy resulting in a hairy baby. "If there’s any truth in that, then this one ought to have a head full. 😂," she wrote. "I mean it could just be coincidence, but I had heartburn with Spurgeon too, and he was born with a decent amount of hair. 😄 "

March 29: Nesting Overload

Although Jessa didn't come right out and blame nesting for her minor home renovations, I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume that's what was going on. Because judging by a couple of Instagram posts in March, she and Ben were hard at work de-cluttering, painting, and rearranging their living room space and master bedroom. (Hey, I can totally relate, Jessa.)

May 7: Watch That Baby Kick

There weren't any baby updates from Jessa in April. However on May 7, she shared an adorable video of Spurgeon feeling baby number three move from inside her belly. "Watching Spurgeon anticipate the arrival of his new sibling has got to be one of the sweetest parts of this pregnancy. 😍," Jessa captioned the clip, which she posted on Instagram. "Henry will pat my belly sometimes and say 'Baby!' because he sees us do that, but I don’t think he truly comprehends what’s about to take place. ☺️. Little less than a month to go! "

May 21: Week 38 Already!

On May 21, Jessa shared her most recent pregnancy update: another mirror selfie featuring her bump. "#BabySeewald3 will be 38 weeks tomorrow! I honestly can’t believe it," she captioned the Instagram post. "It seems like this pregnancy has flown by! Can anybody else attest to that fact that when you have toddler or two keeping you on your toes, pregnancy just seems to fly by??"

Honestly, I can't believe it either. For Jessa's sake, let's hope time continues to fly. Because from experience, those last couple of weeks — and last few days, especially — have a way of dragging on and on. I can't wait to "meet" baby Seewald number three!