
The Funniest CNN GOP Debate Memes Will Make You Feel Better About The Donald's Scary Presidential Run
Ready for an early Christmas gift? The last GOP debate of 2015 is underway, but the Internet is just beginning to have fun with it. As Donald Trump, Dr. Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina, Sen. Ted Cruz, former Gov. Jeb Bush, Gov. John Kasich, and Sen. Marco Rubio face off at the Venetian in Las Vegas, viewers are immortalizing the evening by churning out some of the funniest GOP debate memes yet seen this election cycle.
Anticipation was high leading into the Dec. 15 debate, which was presented by CNN and Salem Radio and moderated by Wolf Blitzer, Dana Bash, and Hugh Hewitt. Leading up to Tuesday, big questions emerged: Would Trump answer for his comments on barring Muslim immigrants? Would Cruz take on Trump and move toward becoming the Republican frontrunner? How would polls in Iowa and New Hampshire respond in the days following? You can expect to hear from political analysts on all of those topics, but perhaps the most important analysis will come from the brave citizens of social media.
Even if you haven't been tuning into the debates, there's a good chance you've seen some of the comedic aftermath. From "hell toupee" to "big beautiful door," Tumblr and Twitter have been inundated with delightful (and often insightful) reactions to Republican rhetoric. Fortunately, the Dec. 15 Republican debate didn't disappoint. Check out the funniest memes to emerge from Tuesday night's GOP debate:
On The Candidates
On The GOP, Generally
On The Debate
And, of course, the Democrats.
Thank you, Twitter, for making the two-plus hour affair worth it.
Image: Tom Pennington/Getty Images News; brianthomassauker/Instagram