The first year of your baby's life is jam-packed with changes and developments. It can seem like your child meets a new milestone everyday and develops new abilities and talents overnight. In fact, there are so many milestones your baby reaches in the first year that it can be easy to lose track of them all.
Having a general outline of the milestones your baby is supposed to meet at each age can both give you something to look forward to and ensure that their development is on track. But each baby is different and will achieve certain milestones at their own pace. Don't worry if your baby is going at a slower or faster pace than one of their peers, it's normal for babies to be late or slow bloomers. According to Parenting, if your child is very delayed in one area (for example, hasn't spoken a word by the time they're a year old), they are two or more months behind the "norm," or they aren't responsive to you, you should take your child in to check for developmental delays. However, these delays are normal and, as long as your child is reaching milestones at a healthy pace, you can look forward to these milestones in your baby's near future.
1 Month Old
According to Today by the end of month one, your baby will most likely lift and move their head for short periods of time, bring their hands to their face, respond to loud noises, and recognize familiar sounds.
2 Months Old
By the end of month two, your baby will have discovered their own hands, moving them to their face and mouth. Your baby will probably be able to hold their head up more steadily when sitting up with support or when laying on their tummy, some babies even roll over as young as two months. Baby Center noted that they will probably have their first smile this month and be able to track objects with their eyes.
3 Months Old
Adding to their growing list of achievements, Healthy Children noted that by three months your baby will start babbling (maybe even intimidating some sounds), enjoys playing and interacting with other people, and move their hands and eyes in coordination.
4 Months Old
By now your baby is likely a pro at tummy time, lifting their chest and arm off of the ground. When their on their back, Baby Center noted that they'll start to lift their head and back off the ground as you reach down to them. Their spines are also strong enough to allow them to sit up unassisted. Your baby also will likely start sleeping for longer stretches, benefiting from a consistent and calming bedtime routine to help them sleep longer.
5 Months Old
At five months , your baby can see across the room and will focus on small objects or details. Today noted that they may also start cutting their first teeth at this point.
6 Months Old
According to the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention, six month old babies start to recognize people. They'll also enjoy watching their face in the mirror, saying consonant sounds, displays curiosity about things out of their reach, can roll over in both directions, and place weight on their legs with support. Some babies will start to crawl (backwards or forwards) at six months as well.
7 Months Old
At seven months old, your baby will use a "raking grasp" when grabbing objects, transfer objects from hand to hand, respond to their own name and the word "no."
8 Months Old
According to Parents, at eight months, your baby will reach for the utensils when being fed solids, should be sleeping 11 to 13 hours a night, may be crawling, and may start to develop separation anxiety when separated from a parent.
9 Months Old
By nine months, your baby's personality will be emerging, as noted on Web MD. They're able to signal your attention and wave hello and goodbye, and will likely make their will known if they don't want to do something.
10 Months Old
Today noted that by 10 months, your baby will understand the concept of object permanence, become upset if you take away something they wanted, can pull up to standing, and stand up while holding something.
11 Month Old
Parents stated that some babies may take their first steps before their first birthday, but often it is still several months off. If they're not walking yet, your baby will likely be cruising around the coffee table and crawling.
12 Months Old
Today noted that by the time a baby turns one, they'll have tripled their birth weight, begin "dancing" to music, enjoy being read to (although reading to your baby sooner has many benefits as well,) can understand simple commands, take off their socks and hats, understand how to use certain objects, and start testing your responses to their behavior.