This Kid's Perfect First-Day-Of-School Hair Went Viral When She Came Home Looking Very Different...
No matter how hard a person tries to keep it together, the state of her hair will usually tell the real story. How many times has your own mother furrowed her brow and asked you in the midst of a crazy time, "What did you do to your hair?" It's not just adults that suffer through this, as pictures of this little girl's perfect first day of school hair show. What was a perfect 'do when she headed off to kindergarten turned into a hot mess by the time the final bell rang, apparently. Hey, life is rough for tiny people, too.
Markeisha Simien, mom of 5-year-old Charle-feigh, posted the before and after pictures of her daugher's hair on Facebook. On the left? A perfectly braided up-do, complete with a huge red bow. Paired with a her khaki dress and fresh white t-shirt, it was the perfect first day of kindergarten look.
But when Simien picked her daughter up at the end of the day, she was shocked at what she saw. Simien told Yahoo! Beauty, "I was waiting to see her, and see how her day was. When I saw that hair, my nerves got so bad. I didn’t know what to do. I was devastated, because I was wondering what happen to my baby?"
Wouldn't you have been a nervous wreck, too? Especially after having taken your daughter to get her hair done the night before the first day?
The "after" image is just too much. Simien said that Charle-feigh just gave it to her straight. She said, "Mom, it was itching and I took it out." Simien couldn't believe it. " All I could say was, ‘oh my God,'” she said of her response.
Hilarious. Simien did what most parents do when their kids make them laugh (and drive them crazy all at the same time) and posted before and after shots to Facebook, where it immediately went viral. She was a little overwhelmed by the attention and initially took the post down.
But the response was just too good. Simien said:
[Charle-feigh]’s made a lot of people in the world happy just by that post. I had numerous people in my inbox telling me how my daughter made their day. They were having bad days, and they saw her post and felt better. For her to bring joy to the world like that was good enough for me.
That doesn't mean that she's not frustrated by her daughter taking her hair out. Uniforms are required at the school, according to Refinery29, so Simien tries to make sure her daughter's hair and bows stand out. So it was irritating that all that time (and money!) went to waste on Day One. But her mom got it. "When she took apart her hair, it frustrated me but it didn’t make me mad enough to where I was just angry, because I know she is a good girl,” Simien told Yahoo.
Same, Charle-feigh, SAME. Especially when there's coloring, counting, and nap-time to get done, sometimes the hair just has to go.