
Um, My Baby Just Started Crawling — Now What Do I Do?

by Kate Brierley

I remember counting down the months and checking off milestones as a first-time expectant mother. I always knew exactly what size my growing baby was in terms of fruits and veggies on any given week, and I could always tell you how many days were left until my due date.

As exciting as expecting your first kid is, I felt like I was pregnant forever, and I couldn’t wait for the day when I’d hold my son in my arms instead of my basketball-sized belly. Then, when he finally arrived, time suddenly sped up with his first smile, quickly followed by his first giggles, first cold, and first word (which was "Dada" — not that I’m salty or anything). The minute he entered the world, the firsts kept coming, and they simply didn’t stop.

If I’m being real, it can be almost as overwhelming as it is extraordinary to watch your little person learn and grow and thrive. You wonder why you didn’t see this particular milestone coming, or whether you made a big enough deal over the last one. Then one day, out of the blue, my son started crawling. He had learned to roll over just two weeks before, but there he was, ungracefully but very purposefully army-crawling his way to a teething ring. Ready or not, my baby was on the move.

Crawling has got to be one of the most game-changing firsts we go through as moms and babes — but have no fear, because Romper has partnered with Pampers Cruisers to help you prepare. Here’s how to make sure your home (and you) are ready for this exciting milestone:

First Thing’s First: Baby-Proof

Gone are the days that your baby sits happily on a blanket, touching only the toys you place within reach. Now that your little one is crawling, you'll want to double-check your house for safety. In addition to covering your outlets, there are specific safeguards for drawers, cabinets, toilets, stoves, and beyond. They’re easy to install, and absolutely worth the peace of mind.

Cover Your Butt (And Theirs!)

Babies on a mission are known to twist, turn, squat, roll, and wreak diaper havoc like you wouldn’t believe, making it more important than ever to have a trusted diaper than can keep baby protected as they transition into mobility. Pampers Cruisers are designed specifically to adapt to your baby's waist, legs, and bottom during this always-on-the-move phase, making sure they stay protected while also keeping messes at bay. Plus, the legs are fitted with flexible leg cuffs that gently seal around baby's legs to prevent leaks as they move from rolling, to crawling, to full-on running.

Designate Areas For Exploration

Let’s face it: Baby-proofing every nook and cranny in all the places that your little one visits (like daycare or grandma’s house) just isn’t practical. Do your best, of course, but remember that you can section off certain areas and make them safe zones for your little one to roam free. Make baby gates and permanently closed doors your friends, since they'll help keep areas that aren’t meant for curious babies totally off-limits.

Hide Tempting Treats

Mark my words: Babies think everything is food — from the dog’s kibble to loose coins, stray buttons, and beyond. I even saw my little guy head for a dust bunny in the living room corner like he was expecting it to be cotton candy. Keep floors clear of any and all things your little one could mistake for a snack. In addition to crawling, they’re very likely teething, and the unshakeable urge to put all kinds of things in their mouths is real.

Prepare For New Heights

Once your baby has discovered they can move about freely, you can expect things to go up from there... literally. It won’t be long before they are trying to pull themselves to a standing position alongside ottomans, coffee tables, and more. Securing all surfaces within your baby-safe zone is key. From TV stands to bookcases and everything in between, be sure that you’ve cleared surfaces and bolted everything that will soon double as a pull-up station for your little Hercules.

This post is sponsored by Pampers Cruisers.