
What Does It Mean If Your Cervix Is Low? Experts Explain

Pregnancy has a way of bringing about a brand new contemplation of your lady parts. During my first ultrasound when I was pregnant with my daughter, the technician looked at me and said, “You have a tilted uterus.” After getting past the, “what” and “why” behind her statement, I began to realize that there were so many more variables at play down there than I had ever imagined. Between funky discharge and dilation analysis during the third trimester, it’s no wonder that pregnant women have questions like, “what does it mean if your cervix is low?”

Dr. Jaime Knopman and Dr. Sheeva Talebian, co-founders of TrulyMD and OB-GYNs at New York's Colorado Center for Reproductive Medicine, tell Romper in an email interview that it "doesn't mean all that much."

According to, the key point here is to remember that, even though the cervix naturally rises during pregnancy, the timing of the rise is unpredictable. This, of course, points back to a key point to keep in mind during pregnancy: Don't compare your journey to other women's experiences.

On the other hand, Knopman and Talebian say, a short cervix can mean a lot. "A short cervix can be a sign of impending delivery," they say. "It is usually detected when the cervix is measured on ultrasound or a patient presents with complaints of pain and pressure. As labor ensues, the cervix shortens and thins out — also known as effacement." If it occurs early, then it can be a sign of preterm labor, but for most women, it does not occur until late in the third trimester.

If you have a low cervix outside of pregnancy, then Dr. Lakeisha Richardson, a Mississippi-based board-certified OB-GYN, says you may be suffering from uterine prolapse, a condition that occurs when the uterine muscles stretch or become weak and are no longer able to support the uterus, according to Healthline.

"As women age, the risk of prolapse increases — approximately 25 percent of women will have prolapse," Richardson tells Romper in an email interview. "Uterine prolapse is caused by childbirth and vaginal deliveries." She explains that women who have had large babies vaginally are at an increased risk of prolapse. Anything that puts pressure on the pelvic muscles can also increase your risk of a uterine prolapse, including obesity and chronic coughing.

"[But] women with a low cervix are often asymptomatic and do not require any intervention," she says, adding that if symptoms like a sensation of heaviness or pulling in the pelvis occur, then there are options for treatment. "Overall, a low cervix does not cause any harm or increase the risk of any medical conditions."

And yet another mystery of the vagina is uncovered.