

Here's What Probably Happens To Becca's 'Bachelor' Engagement Ring

by Mariella Mosthof

Although it's perfectly common for couples forged on The Bachelor not to last, Arie Luyendyk, Jr. declined to do a polite joint press release and opted instead to bring in camera crews and break his engagement to Becca Kufrin on camera. The split was devastating to watch, but naturally, Bachelor fans are curious about the practical questions. Like, for example, what happens to Becca's engagement ring after The Bachelor? Since Bachelor breakups are pretty typical, there is actually a plan of action in place for what to do in these scenarios.

Just before he asked Becca to marry him in Peru, we saw Arie pick out a gorgeous (and massive) Neil Lane ring. He proudly declared that he could imagine Becca loving it, and she, of course, turned into a human heart eyes emoji at the sight of it. She gleefully accepted his proposal after he dumped Lauren B. and all seemed to be going well for the rest of their time in Peru. But a few weeks into their engagement, Arie realized that his heartbroken feelings over Lauren weren't going away. He ultimately decided to break off his engagement with Becca in the hopes of reconciling his relationship with the runner-up. It was excruciating to watch this unfold on camera, and The Bachelor decided to air the breakup in its entirety in an uncut, unedited split-screen segment with both the cameras focused on Arie and Becca in play.

At some point during their painful conversation, once Becca realized what was going on, she slipped off her engagement ring. We didn't see where she put it down or if she handed it back to Arie, but technically speaking, it belongs to ABC. It's unclear whether Neil Lane donates the ring to the show in exchange for the decade and a half of free advertising, but if the couple using it breaks up within two years of the season finale airing, they must give it back to production.

Jesse Csincsak, who proposed to DeAnna Pappas on The Bachelorette in 2008, reportedly revealed, "In the contract, it says if you are not together for two years after the final day of the show airing, you have to give them the ring back."

So what did Becca have to give up? In addition to, you know, a relationship and her envisioned future, she had to return a platinum set diamond of nearly four carats, which cost an estimated $80,000, according to Us Weekly. They also reported that it was "a halo ring with diamonds surrounding the stunning center stone." Without question, the ring was beautiful, and it looked great on Becca, who pulled off its hefty weight like the queen she is. Unfortunately, she didn't get to keep it and presumably, neither did Arie.

Of course, thanks to the sheer length of that uncut, unedited scene, the three-hour finale still didn't tie up all the season's loose ends. So we don't know exactly what happened with Arie and Lauren just yet. The network is giving The Bachelor one more night to extend its finale so we can see the ~thrilling conclusion~ of what probably really is the most dramatic ending yet.

It's difficult for me to imagine Arie proposing when he flies to Lauren's hometown to get her back. They probably have a lot of talking to do first, and if and when he does decide to propose, it seems likely that he would be on the hook for buying his own ring. He can't exactly recycle Becca's ring, right? At least, I hope not.

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