

What Will Happen To Late-Term Abortions Under Trump? Trump Has Stated His Distaste For It

by Casey Suglia

When Donald Trump was elected President of the United States on Tuesday, the rights of millions of Americans were suddenly put on the line. Trump is a known, out-spoken conservative who isn't afraid to claim he wants to make some major changes. Trump has briefly stated his plans to reform healthcare — but what will happen to late-term abortions under Trump? Trump has been candidly and unapologetically against late-term abortion, but it's unclear exactly what he will do about it.

Who could forget Trump's comment about late-term abortion during the last presidential debate just three weeks ago? It was practically the only thing that people would talk about in the weeks after due to its "colorful language." Trump's depiction of late-term abortion, was not that informed and less than educated to say the least:

I think its terrible. If you go with what Hillary is saying, in the ninth month, you can take the baby and rip the baby out of the womb of the mother just prior to the birth of the baby...because based on what [Hillary] is saying and where she's going and where she's been, you can take the baby and rip the baby out of the womb in the ninth month, on the final day. And that's not acceptable.

But now that people know what Trump thinks about late-term abortions, what will he do about them once he becomes president? Unfortunately, the future for late-term abortion doesn't look so good.

According to Bloomberg, Trump revealed his plans for health care during his presidency on his website, this Thursday. The plan doesn't go into much detail and only stays around 300 words — but in its few words does mention what the Trump administration will do to protect the health of the United States citizens. Among this, the administration will act to "protect innocent human life from conception to natural death, including the most defenseless and those Americans with disabilities." It is to be assumed that the Trump administration is talking about protecting fetuses in that point — although it doesn't delve into much detail as to how the Trump administration will protect them and what will happen to normal and late-term abortion.

But before Trump makes any final decisions about late-term abortions, perhaps he should learn more about them. Late-term abortions are nothing like Trump described as being "ripped" from the mother during the final month of pregnancy. According to USA Today, late term abortions are very uncommon — more than 90 percent of abortions happen during the first 13 weeks. Most late term abortions occur when the fetus' or mother's health is at risk — and they definitely don't occur in the ninth month of pregnancy. Also, keep in mind that late-term abortion is completely legal. While some states prohibit abortion after a certain period of time, according to the Guttmacher Institute, it isn't illegal for women to receive a late-term abortion depending on the state they're in or their circumstances.

It is unclear how the Trump administration plans to "protect innocent human life from conception to natural death" but Trump has made his distaste for them clear — despite him not being the most informed on the common late-term procedure. It is safe to say that Trump's approach to healthcare will be more conservative. Women will now just have to wait and see how his conservative approach will effect their bodies and their rights.